class Cucumber::Core::Test::Result::Summary
=> 1
puts summary.total_passed
summary =
and collects summary information.
An object that responds to the description protocol from the results
def duration(duration)
def duration(duration) @durations << duration self end
def exception(exception)
def exception(exception) @exceptions << exception self end
def get_total(method_name)
def get_total(method_name) status = method_name.to_s.gsub('total_', '').to_sym return @totals.fetch(status) { 0 } end
def increment_total(status)
def increment_total(status) @totals[status] += 1 self end
def initialize
def initialize @totals = { 0 } @exceptions = [] @durations = [] end
def method_missing(name, *args)
def method_missing(name, *args) if name =~ /^total_/ get_total(name) else increment_total(name) end end
def total
def total @totals.reduce(0) { |total, status| total += status[1] } end