class CybridApiBank::TransfersBankApi

def list_transfers(opts = {})

  • (TransferListBankModel) -

Options Hash: (**opts)
  • :updated_at_lt (String) -- Created at end date exclusive upper bound, ISO8601.
  • :updated_at_gte (String) -- Created at start date inclusive lower bound, ISO8601
  • :created_at_lt (String) -- Created at end date exclusive upper bound, ISO8601.
  • :created_at_gte (String) -- Created at start date inclusive lower bound, ISO8601
  • :txn_hash (String) -- Comma separated transaction hashes to list transfers for.
  • :label (String) -- Comma separated labels to list transfers for.
  • :side (String) -- Comma separated sides to list transfers for.
  • :state (String) -- Comma separated states to list transfers for.
  • :account_guid (String) -- Comma separated account_guids to list transfers for.
  • :customer_guid (String) -- Comma separated customer_guids to list transfers for.
  • :bank_guid (String) -- Comma separated bank_guids to list transfers for.
  • :transfer_type (String) -- Comma separated transfer_types to list accounts for.
  • :guid (String) -- Comma separated transfer_guids to list transfers for.
  • :per_page (Integer) -- The number of entities per page to return.
  • :page (Integer) -- The page index to retrieve.

  • opts (Hash) -- the optional parameters
def list_transfers(opts = {})
  data, _status_code, _headers = list_transfers_with_http_info(opts)