class Diffy::Diff
def default_format
def default_format @default_format || :text end
def default_options
def default_options @default_options ||= { :diff => '-U 10000', :source => 'strings', :include_diff_info => false, :include_plus_and_minus_in_html => false } end
def diff
def diff @diff ||= begin paths = case options[:source] when 'strings' [tempfile(string1), tempfile(string2)] when 'files' [string1, string2] end diff_opts = options[:diff].is_a?(Array) ? options[:diff] : [options[:diff]] diff = Open3.popen3(diff_bin, *(diff_opts + paths)) { |i, o, e| } if diff =~ /\A\s*\Z/ diff = case options[:source] when 'strings' then string1 when 'files' then end.gsub(/^/, " ") end diff end end
def diff_bin
def diff_bin bin = `which diff`.chomp if bin.empty? raise "Can't find a diff executable in PATH #{ENV['PATH']}" end bin end
def each
def each lines = case @options[:include_diff_info] when false then diff.split("\n").reject{|x| x =~ /^(---|\+\+\+|@@|\\\\)/ }.map {|line| line + "\n" } when true then diff.split("\n").map {|line| line + "\n" } end if block_given? lines.each{|line| yield line} else end end
def each_chunk
def each_chunk old_state = nil chunks = inject([]) do |cc, line| state = line.each_char.first if state == old_state cc.last << line else cc.push line.dup end old_state = state cc end if block_given? chunks.each{|chunk| yield chunk } else end end
def initialize(string1, string2, options = {})
+:include_plus_and_minus_in_html+:: Show the +, -, ' ' at the
+:include_diff_info+:: Include diff header info
and string2 should be interpreted as strings or file paths.
+:source+:: Either _strings_ or _files_. Determines whether string1
+:diff+:: A cli options string passed to diff
supported options
def initialize(string1, string2, options = {}) @options = self.class.default_options.merge(options) if ! ['strings', 'files'].include?(@options[:source]) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid :source option #{@options[:source].inspect}. Supported options are 'strings' and 'files'." end @string1, @string2 = string1, string2 end
def tempfile(string)
def tempfile(string) t ='diffy') t.print(string) t.flush t.path end
def to_s(format = nil)
def to_s(format = nil) format ||= self.class.default_format formats = Format.instance_methods(false).map{|x| x.to_s} if formats.include? format.to_s enum = self enum.extend Format enum.send format else raise ArgumentError, "Format #{format.inspect} not found in #{formats.inspect}" end end