module Diffy class HtmlFormatter def initialize(diff, options = {}) @diff = diff @options = options end def to_s if @options[:highlight_words] wrap_lines(highlighted_words) else wrap_lines({|line| wrap_line(ERB::Util.h(line))}) end end private def wrap_line(line) cleaned = clean_line(line) case line when /^(---|\+\+\+|\\\\)/ ' <li class="diff-comment"><span>' + line.chomp + '</span></li>' when /^\+/ ' <li class="ins"><ins>' + cleaned + '</ins></li>' when /^-/ ' <li class="del"><del>' + cleaned + '</del></li>' when /^ / ' <li class="unchanged"><span>' + cleaned + '</span></li>' when /^@@/ ' <li class="diff-block-info"><span>' + line.chomp + '</span></li>' end end # remove +/- or wrap in html def clean_line(line) if @options[:include_plus_and_minus_in_html] line.sub(/^(.)/, '<span class="symbol">\1</span>') else line.sub(/^./, '') end.chomp end def wrap_lines(lines) if lines.empty? %'<div class="diff"></div>' else %'<div class="diff">\n <ul>\n#{lines.join("\n")}\n </ul>\n</div>\n' end end def highlighted_words chunks = @diff.each_chunk. reject{|c| c == '\ No newline at end of file'"\n"} processed = [] lines = do |chunk1, index| next if processed.include? index processed << index chunk1 = chunk1 chunk2 = chunks[index + 1] if not chunk2 next ERB::Util.h(chunk1) end dir1 = chunk1.each_char.first dir2 = chunk2.each_char.first case [dir1, dir2] when ['-', '+'] if chunk1.each_char.take(3).join("") =~ /^(---|\+\+\+|\\\\)/ and chunk2.each_char.take(3).join("") =~ /^(---|\+\+\+|\\\\)/ ERB::Util.h(chunk1) else line_diff = split_characters(chunk1), split_characters(chunk2), Diffy::Diff::ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS ) hi1 = reconstruct_characters(line_diff, '-') hi2 = reconstruct_characters(line_diff, '+') processed << (index + 1) [hi1, hi2] end else ERB::Util.h(chunk1) end end.flatten{|line| if line }.flatten.compact. map{|line|wrap_line(line) }.compact end def split_characters(chunk) chunk.gsub(/^./, '') do |line| chars = line.sub(/([\r\n]$)/, '').split('') # add escaped newlines chars << '\n'{|chr| ERB::Util.h(chr) } end.flatten.join("\n") + "\n" end def reconstruct_characters(line_diff, type) enum = line_diff.each_chunk.to_a do |l, i| re = /(^|\\n)#{Regexp.escape(type)}/ case l when re highlight(l) when /^ / if i > 1 and enum[i+1] and l.each_line.to_a.size < 4 highlight(l) else l.gsub(/^./, '').gsub("\n", ''). gsub('\r', "\r").gsub('\n', "\n") end end end.join('').split("\n").map do |l| type + l.gsub('</strong><strong>' , '') end end def highlight(lines) "<strong>" + lines. # strip diff tokens (e.g. +,-,etc.) gsub(/(^|\\n)./, ''). # mark line boundaries from higher level line diff # html is all escaped so using brackets should make this safe. gsub('\n', '<LINE_BOUNDARY>'). # join characters back by stripping out newlines gsub("\n", ''). # close and reopen strong tags. we don't want inline elements # spanning block elements which get added later. gsub('<LINE_BOUNDARY>',"</strong>\n<strong>") + "</strong>" end end end