
# Code generated by Speakeasy ( DO NOT EDIT.

# typed: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

module DingSDK
  module Shared

    class RetryAuthenticationResponse < ::DingSDK::Utils::FieldAugmented
      extend T::Sig

      # The UUID of the corresponding authentication.
      field :authentication_uuid, T.nilable(::String), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::DingSDK::Utils.field_name('authentication_uuid') } }

      field :created_at, T.nilable(::DateTime), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::DingSDK::Utils.field_name('created_at'), 'decoder': Utils.datetime_from_iso_format(true) } }
      # The time at which the next retry will be available.
      field :next_retry_at, T.nilable(::DateTime), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::DingSDK::Utils.field_name('next_retry_at'), 'decoder': Utils.datetime_from_iso_format(true) } }
      # The number of remaining retries.
      field :remaining_retry, T.nilable(::Integer), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::DingSDK::Utils.field_name('remaining_retry') } }
      # The status of the retry. Possible values are:
      #   * `approved` - The retry was approved and a new code was sent.
      #   * `denied` - The retry was denied.
      #   * `no_attempt` - No attempt was sent yet, so a retry cannot be completed.
      #   * `rate_limited` - The authentication was rate limited and cannot be retried.
      #   * `expired_auth` - The authentication has expired and cannot be retried.
      #   * `already_validated` - The authentication has already been validated.
      field :status, T.nilable(::DingSDK::Shared::RetryAuthenticationResponseStatus), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::DingSDK::Utils.field_name('status'), 'decoder': Utils.enum_from_string(::DingSDK::Shared::RetryAuthenticationResponseStatus, true) } }

      sig { params(authentication_uuid: T.nilable(::String), created_at: T.nilable(::DateTime), next_retry_at: T.nilable(::DateTime), remaining_retry: T.nilable(::Integer), status: T.nilable(::DingSDK::Shared::RetryAuthenticationResponseStatus)).void }
      def initialize(authentication_uuid: nil, created_at: nil, next_retry_at: nil, remaining_retry: nil, status: nil)
        @authentication_uuid = authentication_uuid
        @created_at = created_at
        @next_retry_at = next_retry_at
        @remaining_retry = remaining_retry
        @status = status