class Doorkeeper::Config
def access_token_methods
def access_token_methods @access_token_methods ||= [:from_bearer_authorization, :from_access_token_param, :from_bearer_param] end
def authorization_response_types
def authorization_response_types @authorization_response_types ||= calculate_authorization_response_types end
def calculate_authorization_response_types
authorization request endpoint, and return them as an array of strings.
Determines what values are acceptable for 'response_type' param in
def calculate_authorization_response_types types = [] types << 'code' if grant_flows.include? 'authorization_code' types << 'token' if grant_flows.include? 'implicit' types end
def calculate_token_grant_types
request endpoint, and return them in array.
Determines what values are acceptable for 'grant_type' param token
def calculate_token_grant_types types = grant_flows - ['implicit'] types << 'refresh_token' if refresh_token_enabled? types end
def client_credentials_methods
def client_credentials_methods @client_credentials ||= [:from_basic, :from_params] end
def confirm_application_owner?
def confirm_application_owner? !!@confirm_application_owner end
def default_scopes
def default_scopes @default_scopes ||= end
def enable_application_owner?
def enable_application_owner? !!@enable_application_owner end
def optional_scopes
def optional_scopes @optional_scopes ||= end
def realm
def realm @realm ||= 'Doorkeeper' end
def refresh_token_enabled?
def refresh_token_enabled? !!@refresh_token_enabled end
def scopes
def scopes @scopes ||= default_scopes + optional_scopes end
def token_grant_types
def token_grant_types @token_grant_types ||= calculate_token_grant_types end