module Doorkeeper module AccessGrantMixin extend ActiveSupport::Concern include OAuth::Helpers include Models::Expirable include Models::Revocable include Models::Accessible include Models::Scopes include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity if defined?(::ProtectedAttributes) included do belongs_to_options = { class_name: 'Doorkeeper::Application', inverse_of: :access_grants } if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) && ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 belongs_to_options[:optional] = true end belongs_to :application, belongs_to_options validates :resource_owner_id, :application_id, :token, :expires_in, :redirect_uri, presence: true validates :token, uniqueness: true before_validation :generate_token, on: :create end module ClassMethods # Searches for Doorkeeper::AccessGrant record with the # specific token value. # # @param token [#to_s] token value (any object that responds to `#to_s`) # # @return [Doorkeeper::AccessGrant, nil] AccessGrant object or nil # if there is no record with such token # def by_token(token) find_by(token: token.to_s) end end private # Generates token value with UniqueToken class. # # @return [String] token value # def generate_token self.token = UniqueToken.generate end end end