class ERBLint::Linters::HardCodedString
Checks for hardcoded strings. Useful if you want to ensure a string can be translated using i18n.
def autocorrect(processed_source, offense)
def autocorrect(processed_source, offense) string = offense.source_range.source return unless (klass = load_corrector) return if string.strip.length <= 1 node =, [string]) corrector =, processed_source.filename, corrector_i18n_load_path, offense.source_range) corrector.autocorrect(tag_start: "<%= ", tag_end: " %>") rescue MissingCorrector, MissingI18nLoadPath nil end
def check_string?(str)
def check_string?(str) string = str.gsub(/\s*/, "") string.length > 1 && !NO_TRANSLATION_NEEDED.include?(string) end
def corrector_i18n_load_path
def corrector_i18n_load_path @config["corrector"].fetch("i18n_load_path") { raise MissingI18nLoadPath } end
def find_range(node, str)
def find_range(node, str) match = node.loc.source.match( return unless match range_begin = match.begin(0) + node.loc.begin_pos range_end = match.end(0) + node.loc.begin_pos (range_begin...range_end) end
def load_corrector
def load_corrector corrector_name = @config["corrector"].fetch("name") { raise MissingCorrector } raise ForbiddenCorrector unless ALLOWED_CORRECTORS.include?(corrector_name) require @config["corrector"].fetch("path") { raise MissingCorrector } corrector_name.safe_constantize end
def message(string)
def message(string) stripped_string = string.strip "String not translated: #{stripped_string}" end
def non_text_tag?(processed_source, text_node)
def non_text_tag?(processed_source, text_node) ast = processed_source.parser.ast.to_a index = ast.find_index(text_node) previous_node = ast[index - 1] if previous_node.type == :tag tag = BetterHtml::Tree::Tag.from_node(previous_node) NON_TEXT_TAGS.include?( && !tag.closing? end end
def relevant_node(inner_node)
def relevant_node(inner_node) if inner_node.is_a?(String) inner_node.strip.empty? ? false : inner_node else false end end
def run(processed_source)
def run(processed_source) hardcoded_strings = processed_source.ast.descendants(:text).each_with_object([]) do |text_node, to_check| next if non_text_tag?(processed_source, text_node) offended_strings = { |node| relevant_node(node) } offended_strings.each do |offended_string| offended_string.split("\n").each do |str| to_check << [text_node, str] if check_string?(str) end end end hardcoded_strings.compact.each do |text_node, offended_str| range = find_range(text_node, offended_str) source_range = processed_source.to_source_range(range) add_offense( source_range, message(source_range.source), ) end end