class Faker::Commerce
def brand
def brand fetch('commerce.brand') end
def categories(num)
def categories(num) sample(fetch_all('commerce.department'), num) end
def color
def color fetch('') end
def department(legacy_max = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_fixed_amount = NOT_GIVEN, max: 3, fixed_amount: false)
) -- Fixes the amount of departments to use instead of using a range. -
) -- Updates the maximum number of names used to generate the department name.
def department(legacy_max = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_fixed_amount = NOT_GIVEN, max: 3, fixed_amount: false) warn_for_deprecated_arguments do |keywords| keywords << :max if legacy_max != NOT_GIVEN keywords << :fixed_amount if legacy_fixed_amount != NOT_GIVEN end num = max if fixed_amount num ||= 1 + rand(max) categories = categories(num) if categories.is_a?(Array) if categories.length > 1 merge_categories(categories) else categories[0] end else categories end end
def material
def material fetch('commerce.product_name.material') end
def merge_categories(categories)
def merge_categories(categories) separator = fetch('separator') comma_separated = categories.slice!(0...-1).join(', ') [comma_separated, categories[0]].join(separator) end
def price(legacy_range = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_as_string = NOT_GIVEN, range: 0..100.0, as_string: false)
) -- Changes the return value to [String]. -
) -- A range to generate the random number within.
def price(legacy_range = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_as_string = NOT_GIVEN, range: 0..100.0, as_string: false) warn_for_deprecated_arguments do |keywords| keywords << :range if legacy_range != NOT_GIVEN keywords << :as_string if legacy_as_string != NOT_GIVEN end price = (rand(range) * 100).floor / 100.0 if as_string price_parts = price.to_s.split('.') price = "#{price_parts[0]}.#{price_parts[-1].ljust(2, '0')}" end price end
def product_name
def product_name "#{fetch('commerce.product_name.adjective')} #{fetch('commerce.product_name.material')} #{fetch('commerce.product_name.product')}" end
def promotion_code(legacy_digits = NOT_GIVEN, digits: 6)
) -- Updates the number of numerical digits used to generate the promotion code.
def promotion_code(legacy_digits = NOT_GIVEN, digits: 6) warn_for_deprecated_arguments do |keywords| keywords << :digits if legacy_digits != NOT_GIVEN end [ fetch('commerce.promotion_code.adjective'), fetch('commerce.promotion_code.noun'), Faker::Number.number(digits: digits) ].join end
def vendor
def vendor fetch('commerce.vendor') end