class Faker::String
def char_space_ratio
def char_space_ratio sample [2, [3] * 5, [5] * 17, [7] * 11, 11, 191].flatten end
def random(length: 32)
(Integer, Range, Array
) -- The length of produced string and/or specific UTF-8 characters to use.
def random(length: 32) utf8string select_a length end
def select_a(length)
def select_a(length) if length.class.included_modules.include? Enumerable select_a sample(length.to_enum.to_a) else length # recursive base case end end
def space_or_utf8_char(ratio)
def space_or_utf8_char(ratio) sample [32.chr(Encoding::UTF_8), [utf8character] * ratio].flatten end
def utf8character
def utf8character sample([ rand(32..90), # latin alphabet rand(128), # 7-bit ASCII rand(0xd800), # utf-8 codepoints below utf-16 surrogate halves rand(57_344..1_114_111) # utf-8 codepoints above utf-16 surrogate halves ]).chr(Encoding::UTF_8) end
def utf8string(length)
def utf8string(length) ratio = char_space_ratio (1..length.to_i).map do space_or_utf8_char ratio end.join end