module Faraday::Utils
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/faraday/utils.rbs module Faraday::Utils def escape: (String str) -> untyped end
def URI(url) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName
Returns a parsed URI.
url - A String or URI.
Normalize URI() behavior across Ruby versions
def URI(url) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName if url.respond_to?(:host) url elsif url.respond_to?(:to_str) else raise ArgumentError, 'bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)' end end
def basic_header_from(login, pass)
def basic_header_from(login, pass) value = Base64.encode64("#{login}:#{pass}") value.delete!("\n") "Basic #{value}" end
def build_nested_query(params)
def build_nested_query(params) NestedParamsEncoder.encode(params) end
def build_query(params)
def build_query(params) FlatParamsEncoder.encode(params) end
def deep_merge(source, hash)
def deep_merge(source, hash) deep_merge!(source.dup, hash) end
def deep_merge!(target, hash)
def deep_merge!(target, hash) hash.each do |key, value| target[key] = if value.is_a?(Hash) && (target[key].is_a?(Hash) || target[key].is_a?(Options)) deep_merge(target[key], value) else value end end target end
def default_params_encoder
def default_params_encoder @default_params_encoder ||= NestedParamsEncoder end
def default_space_encoding
def default_space_encoding @default_space_encoding ||= '+' end
def default_uri_parser
def default_uri_parser @default_uri_parser ||= Kernel.method(:URI) end
def default_uri_parser=(parser)
def default_uri_parser=(parser) @default_uri_parser = if parser.respond_to?(:call) || parser.nil? parser else parser.method(:parse) end end
def escape(str)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def escape: (String str) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def escape(str) str.to_s.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) do |match| "%#{match.unpack('H2' * match.bytesize).join('%').upcase}" end.gsub(' ', default_space_encoding) end
def normalize_path(url)
Receives a String or URI and returns just
def normalize_path(url) url = URI(url) (url.path.start_with?('/') ? url.path : "/#{url.path}") + (url.query ? "?#{sort_query_params(url.query)}" : '') end
def parse_nested_query(query)
def parse_nested_query(query) NestedParamsEncoder.decode(query) end
def parse_query(query)
def parse_query(query) FlatParamsEncoder.decode(query) end
def sort_query_params(query)
def sort_query_params(query) query.split('&').sort.join('&') end
def unescape(str)
def unescape(str) CGI.unescape str.to_s end