class FFI::LibraryPath
See for more information about library naming.
libvips.42.dylib on Macos on Linux
libvips-42.dll on Windows
This translates to the following library file names:
ffi_lib“vips”, abi_number: 42)
extend FFI::Library
module LibVips
Transform a generic library name and ABI number to a platform library name
def self.wrap(value)
def self.wrap(value) # We allow instances of LibraryPath to pass through transparently: return value if value.is_a?(self) # We special case a library named 'c' to be the standard C library: return Library::LIBC if value == 'c' # If provided a relative file name we convert it into a library path: if value && File.basename(value) == value return end # Otherwise, we assume it's a full path to a library: return value end
def full_name
def full_name # If the abi_number is given, we format it specifically according to platform rules: if abi_number if "#{Platform::LIBPREFIX}#{name}-#{abi_number}.#{Platform::LIBSUFFIX}" elsif Platform.mac? "#{Platform::LIBPREFIX}#{name}.#{abi_number}.#{Platform::LIBSUFFIX}" else # Linux? BSD? etc. "#{Platform::LIBPREFIX}#{name}.#{Platform::LIBSUFFIX}.#{abi_number}" end else # Otherwise we just add prefix and suffix: lib = name # Add library prefix if missing lib = Platform::LIBPREFIX + lib unless lib =~ /^#{Platform::LIBPREFIX}/ # Add library extension if missing r = || Platform.mac? ? "\\.#{Platform::LIBSUFFIX}$" : "\\.so($|\\.[1234567890]+)" lib += ".#{Platform::LIBSUFFIX}" unless lib =~ /#{r}/ lib end end
def initialize(name, abi_number: nil, root: nil)
* abi_number : The ABI number of the library.
* name : The name of the library without file prefix or suffix.
Build a new library path
def initialize(name, abi_number: nil, root: nil) @name = name @abi_number = abi_number @root = root end
def to_s
def to_s if root # If the root path is given, we generate the full path: File.join(root, full_name) else full_name end end