rule "FC085", "Resource using new_resource.updated_by_last_action to converge resource" do tags %w{correctness} def updated_by(ast) # we need to handle both @new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) or new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) # Here's the ast that xpath sees in all 3 possible scenarios from those two: # <call value="."> # <vcall value="vcall"> # <ident value="new_resource"> # <pos line="26" column="0"/> # </ident> # </vcall> # <ident value="updated_by_last_action"> # <pos line="26" column="13"/> # </ident> # </call> # # <call value="."> # <var_ref value="var_ref"> # <ivar value="@new_resource"> # <pos line="25" column="0"/> # </ivar> # </var_ref> # <ident value="updated_by_last_action"> # <pos line="25" column="14"/> # </ident> # </call> # # <call value="."> # <var_ref value="var_ref"> # <ident value="new_resource"> # <pos line="27" column="0"/> # </ident> # </vcall> # <ident value="updated_by_last_action"> # <pos line="27" column="13"/> # </ident> # </call> ast.xpath('descendant::*[self::var_ref/ident/@value="new_resource" or self::vcall/ident/@value="new_resource" or self::var_ref/ivar/@value="@new_resource"]/../ident[@value="updated_by_last_action"]') end resource { |ast| updated_by(ast) } provider { |ast| updated_by(ast) } library { |ast| updated_by(ast) } end