class Gapic::Rest::DeadlineExceededError

when the Faraday::TimeoutError error occured.
@return [Object, nil] The exception that was being retried
@!attribute [r] root_cause
saved as a “root_cause”.
If there were other exceptions retried before that, the last one will be
this exception is thrown wrapping Faraday::TimeoutError.
If the deadline for making a call was exceeded during the rest calls,
with an optional retry root cause.
An error class that represents DeadlineExceeded error for Rest

def initialize message, status_code, status: nil, details: nil, headers: nil, root_cause: nil

  • root_cause (Object, nil) -- The exception that was being retried
  • headers (Object, nil) -- Http headers data of this error
  • details (Object, nil) -- Details data of this error
  • status (String, nil) -- The text representation of status as parsed from the response body
  • status_code (Integer, nil) -- HTTP status code of this error
  • message (String, nil) -- error message

Other tags:
    Private: -
def initialize message, status_code, status: nil, details: nil, headers: nil, root_cause: nil
  super message, status_code, status: status, details: details, headers: headers
  @root_cause = root_cause

def wrap_faraday_error err, root_cause: nil

  • (Gapic::Rest::DeadlineExceededError) -

  • root_cause (Object, nil) -- The exception that was being retried
  • err (Faraday::TimeoutError) -- the Faraday error to wrap

Other tags:
    Private: -
def wrap_faraday_error err, root_cause: nil
  message, status_code, status, details, headers = parse_faraday_error err message,
                                         status: status,
                                         details: details,
                                         headers: headers,
                                         root_cause: root_cause