class GlobalID
def ==(other)
def ==(other) other.is_a?(GlobalID) && @uri == other.uri end
def app=(app)
def app=(app) @app = validate_app(app) end
def create(model, options = {})
def create(model, options = {}) app = options.fetch :app, raise ArgumentError, "An app is required to create a GlobalID. Pass the :app option or set the default" unless app new URI("gid://#{app}/#{}/#{}"), options end
def extract_uri_components(gid)
def extract_uri_components(gid) @uri = gid.is_a?(URI) ? gid : URI.parse(gid) raise URI::BadURIError, "Not a gid:// URI scheme: #{@uri.inspect}" unless @uri.scheme == 'gid' if @uri.path =~ PATH_REGEXP @app = @model_name = $1 @model_id = $2 else raise URI::InvalidURIError, "Expected a URI like gid://app/Person/1234: #{@uri.inspect}" end end
def find(gid, options = {})
def find(gid, options = {}) parse(gid, options).try(:find, options) end
def find(options = {})
def find(options = {}) Locator.locate self, options end
def initialize(gid, options = {})
def initialize(gid, options = {}) extract_uri_components gid end
def model_class
def model_class model_name.constantize end
def parse(gid, options = {})
def parse(gid, options = {}) gid.is_a?(self) ? gid : new(gid, options) rescue URI::Error parse_encoded_gid(gid, options) end
def parse_encoded_gid(gid, options)
def parse_encoded_gid(gid, options) new(Base64.urlsafe_decode64(repad_gid(gid)), options) rescue nil end
def repad_gid(gid)
def repad_gid(gid) padding_chars = gid.length.modulo(4).zero? ? 0 : (4 - gid.length.modulo(4)) gid + ('=' * padding_chars) end
def to_param
def to_param # remove the = padding character for a prettier param -- it'll be added back in parse_encoded_gid Base64.urlsafe_encode64(to_s).sub(/=+$/, '') end
def to_s
def to_s @uri.to_s end
def validate_app(app)
def validate_app(app) URI.parse('gid:///').hostname = app rescue URI::InvalidComponentError raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid app name. ' \ 'App names must be valid URI hostnames: alphanumeric and hyphen characters only.' end