class SignedGlobalID
def ==(other)
def ==(other) super && @purpose == other.purpose end
def encoded_expiration
def encoded_expiration expires_at.utc.iso8601(3) if expires_at end
def initialize(gid, options = {})
def initialize(gid, options = {}) super @verifier = self.class.pick_verifier(options) @purpose = self.class.pick_purpose(options) @expires_at = pick_expiration(options) end
def parse(sgid, options = {})
def parse(sgid, options = {}) if sgid.is_a? self sgid else super verify(sgid, options), options end end
def pick_expiration(options)
def pick_expiration(options) return options[:expires_at] if options.key?(:expires_at) if expires_in = options.fetch(:expires_in) { self.class.expires_in } expires_in.from_now end end
def pick_purpose(options)
def pick_purpose(options) options.fetch :for, DEFAULT_PURPOSE end
def pick_verifier(options)
Grab the verifier from options and fall back to SignedGlobalID.verifier.
def pick_verifier(options) options.fetch :verifier do verifier || raise(ArgumentError, 'Pass a `verifier:` option with an `ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier` instance, or set a default SignedGlobalID.verifier.') end end
def raise_if_expired(expires_at)
def raise_if_expired(expires_at) if expires_at && > Time.iso8601(expires_at) raise ExpiredMessage, 'This signed global id has expired.' end end
def to_h
def to_h # Some serializers decodes symbol keys to symbols, others to strings. # Using string keys remedies that. { 'gid' => @uri.to_s, 'purpose' => purpose, 'expires_at' => encoded_expiration } end
def to_s
def to_s @sgid ||= @verifier.generate(to_h) end
def verify(sgid, options)
def verify(sgid, options) metadata = pick_verifier(options).verify(sgid) raise_if_expired(metadata['expires_at']) metadata['gid'] if pick_purpose(options) == metadata['purpose'] rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature, ExpiredMessage nil end