module GlobalID::Locator

def locate(gid, options = {})

modules match, +nil+ is returned.
instances of returned classes to those including that module. If no classes or
classes to those classes or their subclasses. Passing one or more modules in limits
allowed to be located. Passing one or more classes limits instances of returned
* :only - A class, module or Array of classes and/or modules that are
If present, locate will load all the relationships specified here.
The same structure you would pass into a +includes+ method of Active Record.
* :includes - A Symbol, Array, Hash or combination of them.

Takes either a GlobalID or a string that can be turned into a GlobalID
def locate(gid, options = {})
  gid = GlobalID.parse(gid)
  return unless gid && find_allowed?(gid.model_class, options[:only])
  locator = locator_for(gid)
  if locator.method(:locate).arity == 1
    GlobalID.deprecator.warn "It seems your locator is defining the `locate` method only with one argument. Please make sure your locator is receiving the options argument as well, like `locate(gid, options = {})`."
    locator.locate(gid, options.except(:only))