class Google::Cloud::Spanner::V1::Spanner::Client::Configuration
@return [::String]
A separate project against which to charge quota.
@!attribute [rw] quota_project
@return [::Hash]
trigger a retry.
* ‘:retry_codes` (type: `Array<String>`) - The error codes that should
* `:multiplier` (type: `Numeric`) - The incremental backoff multiplier.
* `:max_delay` (type: `Numeric`) - The max delay in seconds.
* `:initial_delay` (type: `Numeric`) - The initial delay in seconds.
The retry policy. The value is a hash with the following keys:
@!attribute [rw] retry_policy
@return [::Hash{::Symbol=>::String}]
Additional gRPC headers to be sent with the call.
@!attribute [rw] metadata
@return [::Numeric]
The call timeout in seconds.
@!attribute [rw] timeout
@return [::Array<::GRPC::ClientInterceptor>]
An array of interceptors that are run before calls are executed.
@!attribute [rw] interceptors
@return [::Hash]
`GRPC::Core::Channel` object is provided as the credential.
Extra parameters passed to the gRPC channel. Note: this is ignored if a
@!attribute [rw] channel_args
@return [::String]
The library version as recorded in instrumentation and logging
@!attribute [rw] lib_version
@return [::String]
The library name as recorded in instrumentation and logging
@!attribute [rw] lib_name
@return [::Array<::String>]
The OAuth scopes
@!attribute [rw] scope
@return [::Object]
* (`nil`) indicating no credentials
* (`GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials`) a gRPC credentails object
* (`GRPC::Core::Channel`) a gRPC channel with included credentials
(see the [signet docs](
* (`Signet::OAuth2::Client`) A signet oauth2 client object
(see the [googleauth docs](
* (`Google::Auth::Credentials`) A googleauth credentials object
* (`Hash`) A service account key as a Hash
* (`String`) The path to a service account key file in JSON format
Credentials to send with calls. You may provide any of the following types:
@!attribute [rw] credentials
@return [::String]
Defaults to `“”`.
The hostname or hostname:port of the service endpoint.
@!attribute [rw] endpoint
config.rpcs.create_session.timeout = 20.0
config.timeout = 10.0
client = do |config|
# Apply the above configuration only to a new client.
config.rpcs.create_session.timeout = 20.0
config.timeout = 10.0
::Google::Cloud::Spanner::V1::Spanner::Client.configure do |config|
# and all remaining timeouts to 10 seconds.
# create_session to 20 seconds,
# Modify the global config, setting the timeout for
on construction.
Configuration can be applied globally to all clients, or to a single client
for a list of RPCs that can be configured independently.
applied individually to specific RPCs. See
parameters, and other low-level controls. Certain parameters can also be
providing control over timeouts, retry behavior, logging, transport
This class represents the configuration for Spanner,
Configuration class for the Spanner API.
def initialize parent_config = nil
- Private: -
def initialize parent_config = nil @parent_config = parent_config unless parent_config.nil? yield self if block_given? end
def rpcs
def rpcs @rpcs ||= begin parent_rpcs = nil parent_rpcs = @parent_config.rpcs if defined?(@parent_config) && @parent_config.respond_to?(:rpcs) parent_rpcs end end