class Guard::Group
@see Guard::CLI
watch(%r{^spec/javascripts/(.*)..*}) { |m| newest_js_file(“spec/javascripts/#{m}_spec”) }
guard ‘jasmine-headless-webkit’ do
guard ‘coffeescript’, input: ‘spec/coffeescripts’, output: ‘spec/javascripts’
group :frontend, halt_on_fail: true do
@example Group that aborts on failure
`:halt_on_fail` option.
* Abort task execution chain on failure within a group with the
`–group` option to ‘guard start`.
* You can start only certain groups from the command line by passing the
Guard plugins:
A group of Guard plugins. There are two reasons why you want to group your
def initialize(name, options = {})
) -- if a task execution
) -- the group options -
) -- the name of the group
def initialize(name, options = {}) @name = name.to_sym @options = options end
def title
Other tags:
- Example: Title for a group named 'backend' -
def title @title ||= name.to_s.capitalize end
def to_s
- the string representation
Other tags:
- Example: String representation of a group named 'backend' -
def to_s "#<#{self.class} @name=#{name} @options=#{options}>" end