class Haml::Exec::Sass
def set_opts(opts)
) --
def set_opts(opts) super opts.on('-t', '--style NAME', 'Output style. Can be nested (default), compact, compressed, or expanded.') do |name| @options[:for_engine][:style] = name.to_sym end opts.on('-l', '--line-comments', 'Line Comments. Emit comments in the generated CSS indicating the corresponding sass line.') do @options[:for_engine][:line_comments] = true end opts.on('-i', '--interactive', 'Run an interactive SassScript shell.') do @options[:interactive] = true end opts.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add a sass import path.') do |path| @options[:for_engine][:load_paths] << path end opts.on('--cache-location', 'The path to put cached Sass files. Defaults to .sass-cache.') do |loc| @options[:for_engine][:cache_location] = path end opts.on('-C', '--no-cache', "Don't cache to sassc files.") do @options[:for_engine][:cache] = false end end