module Hoe::Inline
def activate_inline_deps
def activate_inline_deps dependency "RubyInline", "~> 3.9" end
def define_inline_tasks
def define_inline_tasks task :test => :clean if ENV['INLINE'] then s.platform = ENV['FORCE_PLATFORM'] || Gem::Platform::CURRENT # Try collecting Inline extensions for +name+ if defined?(Inline) then directory 'lib/inline' dlext = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] Inline.registered_inline_classes.each do |cls| name =, '') # name of the extension is CamelCase alternate_name = if name =~ /[A-Z]/ then name.gsub(/([A-Z])/, '_\1').downcase.sub(/^_/, '') elsif name =~ /_/ then name.capitalize.gsub(/_([a-z])/) { $1.upcase } end extensions = Dir.chdir(Inline::directory) { Dir["Inline_{#{name},#{alternate_name}}_*.#{dlext}"] } extensions.each do |ext| # add the inlined extension to the spec files s.files += ["lib/inline/#{ext}"] # include the file in the tasks file "lib/inline/#{ext}" => ["lib/inline"] do cp File.join(Inline::directory, ext), "lib/inline" end end end end end end
def initialize_inline
def initialize_inline clean_globs << File.expand_path("~/.ruby_inline") end