# This context builds a hash that contains {:year => [<array of months>]}. The idea is that # we will iterate over each year and then over each month internally and check to see if the # supplied dates match any holidays for the region and date. So if we supply start_date of 2015/1/1 # and end_date of 2015/6/1 then we will return a date driver of {:2015 => [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7]}. # In the logic in the various other 'finder' contexts we will iterate over this and compare dates # in these months to the supplied range to determine whether they should be returned to the user. module Holidays module Finder module Context class DatesDriverBuilder def call(start_date, end_date) dates_driver = {} (start_date..end_date).each do |date| dates_driver[date.year] = [] unless dates_driver[date.year] dates_driver[date.year] << date.month dates_driver = add_border_months(date, dates_driver) end clean(dates_driver) end private # As part of I am returning # additional months in an attempt to catch month-spanning date situations (i.e. # dates falling on 2/1 but being observed on 1/31). By including the additional months # we are increasing runtimes slightly but improving accuracy, which is more important # to me at this stage. def add_border_months(current_date, dates_driver) if current_date.month == 1 dates_driver[current_date.year] << 2 prev_year = current_date.year - 1 dates_driver[prev_year] = [] unless dates_driver[prev_year] dates_driver[prev_year] << 12 elsif current_date.month == 12 dates_driver[current_date.year] << 11 next_year = current_date.year + 1 dates_driver[next_year] = [] unless dates_driver[next_year] dates_driver[next_year] << 1 else dates_driver[current_date.year] << current_date.month - 1 << current_date.month + 1 end dates_driver end def clean(dates_driver) dates_driver.each do |year, months| # Always add variable month '0' for proc calc purposes. For example, 'easter' lives in # 'month 0' but is vital to calculating a lot of easter-related dates. dates_driver[year] << 0 dates_driver[year].uniq! dates_driver[year].sort! end dates_driver end end end end end