module I18n::Backend::Base
def available_locales
Returns an array of locales for which translations are available
def available_locales raise NotImplementedError end
def default(locale, object, subject, options = {})
first translation that can be resolved. Otherwise it tries to resolve
If given subject is an Array, it walks the array and returns the
Evaluates defaults.
def default(locale, object, subject, options = {}) options = options.dup.reject { |key, value| key == :default } case subject when Array subject.each do |item| result = resolve(locale, object, item, options) and return result end and nil else resolve(locale, object, subject, options) end end
def interpolate(locale, string, values = {})
interpolate "file %{file} opened by %%{user}", :file => 'test.txt', :user => 'Mr. X'
Interpolates values into a given string.
def interpolate(locale, string, values = {}) if string.is_a?(::String) && !values.empty? I18n.interpolate(string, values) else string end end
def load_file(filename)
data to the existing translations. Raises I18n::UnknownFileType
#load_yml depending on the file extension and directly merges the
Loads a single translations file by delegating to #load_rb or
def load_file(filename) type = File.extname(filename).tr('.', '').downcase raise, filename) unless respond_to?(:"load_#{type}", true) data = send(:"load_#{type}", filename) unless data.is_a?(Hash) raise, 'expects it to return a hash, but does not') end data.each { |locale, d| store_translations(locale, d || {}) } end
def load_rb(filename)
Loads a plain Ruby translations file. eval'ing the file must yield
def load_rb(filename) eval(, binding, filename) end
def load_translations(*filenames)
plain Ruby (*.rb) or YAML files (*.yml). See #load_rb and #load_yml
Accepts a list of paths to translation files. Loads translations from
def load_translations(*filenames) filenames = I18n.load_path if filenames.empty? filenames.flatten.each { |filename| load_file(filename) } end
def load_yml(filename)
Loads a YAML translations file. The data must have locales as
def load_yml(filename) begin YAML.load_file(filename) rescue TypeError, ScriptError, StandardError => e raise, e.inspect) end end
def localize(locale, object, format = :default, options = {})
format string. Takes a key from the date/time formats translations as
Acts the same as +strftime+, but uses a localized version of the
def localize(locale, object, format = :default, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "Object must be a Date, DateTime or Time object. #{object.inspect} given." unless object.respond_to?(:strftime) if Symbol === format key = format type = object.respond_to?(:sec) ? 'time' : 'date' options = options.merge(:raise => true, :object => object, :locale => locale) format = I18n.t(:"#{type}.formats.#{key}", options) end # format = resolve(locale, object, format, options) format = format.to_s.gsub(/%[aAbBp]/) do |match| case match when '%a' then I18n.t(:"date.abbr_day_names", :locale => locale, :format => format)[object.wday] when '%A' then I18n.t(:"date.day_names", :locale => locale, :format => format)[object.wday] when '%b' then I18n.t(:"date.abbr_month_names", :locale => locale, :format => format)[object.mon] when '%B' then I18n.t(:"date.month_names", :locale => locale, :format => format)[object.mon] when '%p' then I18n.t(:"time.#{object.hour < 12 ? :am : :pm}", :locale => locale, :format => format) if object.respond_to? :hour end end object.strftime(format) end
def lookup(locale, key, scope = [], options = {})
def lookup(locale, key, scope = [], options = {}) raise NotImplementedError end
def pluralize(locale, entry, count)
not stand with regards to the CLDR pluralization rules.
equal to 0 and there is a :zero subkey present. This behaviour is
- It will pick the :zero subkey in the special case where count is
- It will pick the :other subkey otherwise.
- It will pick the :one subkey if count is equal to 1.
pluralization rules :
Picks a translation from a pluralized mnemonic subkey according to English
def pluralize(locale, entry, count) return entry unless entry.is_a?(Hash) && count key = :zero if count == 0 && entry.has_key?(:zero) key ||= count == 1 ? :one : :other raise, count) unless entry.has_key?(key) entry[key] end
def reload!
def reload! @skip_syntax_deprecation = false end
def resolve(locale, object, subject, options = {})
given options. If it is a Proc then it will be evaluated. All other
If the given subject is a Symbol, it will be translated with the
Resolves a translation.
def resolve(locale, object, subject, options = {}) return subject if options[:resolve] == false result = catch(:exception) do case subject when Symbol I18n.translate(subject, options.merge(:locale => locale, :throw => true)) when Proc date_or_time = options.delete(:object) || object resolve(locale, object,, options)) else subject end end result unless result.is_a?(MissingTranslation) end
def store_translations(locale, data, options = {})
This method receives a locale, a data hash and options for storing translations.
def store_translations(locale, data, options = {}) raise NotImplementedError end
def translate(locale, key, options = {})
def translate(locale, key, options = {}) raise unless locale entry = key && lookup(locale, key, options[:scope], options) if options.empty? entry = resolve(locale, key, entry, options) else count, default = options.values_at(:count, :default) values = options.except(*RESERVED_KEYS) entry = entry.nil? && default ? default(locale, key, default, options) : resolve(locale, key, entry, options) end throw(:exception,, key, options)) if entry.nil? entry = entry.dup if entry.is_a?(String) entry = pluralize(locale, entry, count) if count entry = interpolate(locale, entry, values) if values entry end