class Pfm::Command::ValidatorCommands::ServerBuild
def unit_test
def unit_test # load chefspec here as it load chef and can take a long time on some systems # so we only want to load it when we absolutely need it require 'chefspec' base_path = 'chef' cookbooks_dir = 'cookbooks' # Loop through the base directory looking through all of the cookbooks # for unit tests Dir.entries(base_path).each do |dir| next unless "#{base_path}/#{dir}/#{cookbooks_dir}" next if dir.to_s == 'vendor' Dir.entries("#{base_path}/#{dir}/#{cookbooks_dir}").each do |cookbook| next unless "#{base_path}/#{dir}/#{cookbooks_dir}/#{cookbook}" # skip directories eg. '.' and '..' next if cookbook.to_s == '.' || cookbook.to_s == '..' # run rspec unit tests Dir.chdir("#{base_path}/#{dir}/#{cookbooks_dir}/#{cookbook}") do msg("\nRunning unit tests for #{cookbook} cookbook") system("rspec -r rspec_junit_formatter --format progress --format RspecJunitFormatter -o #{@reports_dir}/rspec/#{cookbook}_junit.xml") || @failure = true end end end end