class Pfm::CLI
def commands_map
def commands_map Pfm.commands_map end
def drive_upcase(path)
def drive_upcase(path) if && path[0] =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/ && path[1, 2] == ':\\' path.capitalize else path end end
def env
def env ENV end
def exit(n)
def exit(n) Kernel.exit(n) end
def handle_options
def handle_options parse_options(argv) if config[:version] show_version else show_help end exit 0 end
def have_command?(name)
def have_command?(name) commands_map.have_command?(name) end
def initialize(argv)
def initialize(argv) @argv = argv super() # mixlib-cli #initialize doesn't allow arguments end
def instantiate_subcommand(name)
def instantiate_subcommand(name) commands_map.instantiate(name) end
def normalized_exit_code(maybe_integer)
def normalized_exit_code(maybe_integer) if maybe_integer.is_a?(Integer) && (0..255).cover?(maybe_integer) maybe_integer else 0 end end
def option?(param)
def option?(param) param =~ /^-/ end
def path_key
def path_key env.keys.grep(/\Apath\Z/i).first end
def run
def run subcommand_name, *subcommand_params = argv ENV['DEBUG'] = true if verbose? # # Runs the appropriate subcommand if the given parameters contain any # subcommands. # if subcommand_name.nil? || option?(subcommand_name) handle_options elsif have_command?(subcommand_name) subcommand = instantiate_subcommand(subcommand_name) exit_code = subcommand.run_with_default_options(subcommand_params) exit normalized_exit_code(exit_code) else err "Unknown command `#{subcommand_name}'." show_help exit 1 end rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e err(e.message) show_help exit 1 end
def show_help
def show_help msg(banner) msg("\nAvailable Commands:") justify_length = + 2 subcommand_specs.each do |name, spec| msg(" #{name.ljust(justify_length)}#{spec.description}") end end
def show_version
def show_version msg("Pfm Version: #{Pfm::VERSION}") end
def subcommand_specs
def subcommand_specs commands_map.command_specs end
def subcommands
def subcommands commands_map.command_names end
def verbose?
def verbose? @config[:verbose] end