class IRB::Notifier::CompositeNotifier

def level_notifier=(value)

found in the existing #notifiers Array, or an instance of
An ErrUnrecognizedLevel exception is raised if the given +value+ is not

ErrUndefinedNotifier exception is raised.
If no notifier exists at the index +value+ in the #notifiers Array, an

index +value+ in the #notifiers Array.
When an Integer is given, #level_notifier is set to the notifier at the

#level_notifier is set to the given object.
When the given +value+ is an instance of AbstractNotifier,

Sets the leveled notifier for this object.
def level_notifier=(value)
  case value
  when AbstractNotifier
    @level_notifier = value
  when Integer
    l = @notifiers[value]
    raise ErrUndefinedNotifier, value unless l
    @level_notifier = l
    raise ErrUnrecognizedLevel, value unless l