class RubyLex
def self.compile_with_errors_suppressed(code, line_no: 1)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def self.compile_with_errors_suppressed: (String code, line_no: Integer) -> nil
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
def self.compile_with_errors_suppressed(code, line_no: 1) begin result = yield code, line_no rescue ArgumentError # Ruby can issue an error for the code if there is an # incomplete magic comment for encoding in it. Force an # expression with a new line before the code in this # case to prevent magic comment handling. To make sure # line numbers in the lexed code remain the same, # decrease the line number by one. code = ";\n#{code}" line_no -= 1 result = yield code, line_no end result end