class IRB::ExtendCommand::Debug
def binding_irb?
def binding_irb? caller.any? do |frame| BINDING_IRB_FRAME_REGEXPS.any? do |regexp| frame.match?(regexp) end end end
def execute(pre_cmds: nil, do_cmds: nil)
def execute(pre_cmds: nil, do_cmds: nil) if irb_context.with_debugger # If IRB is already running with a debug session, throw the command and IRB.debug_readline will pass it to the debugger. if cmd = pre_cmds || do_cmds throw :IRB_EXIT, cmd else puts "IRB is already running with a debug session." return end else # If IRB is not running with a debug session yet, then: # 1. Check if the debugging command is run from a `binding.irb` call. # 2. If so, try setting up the debug gem. # 3. Insert a debug breakpoint at `Irb#debug_break` with the intended command. # 4. Exit the current Irb#run call via `throw :IRB_EXIT`. # 5. `Irb#debug_break` will be called and trigger the breakpoint, which will run the intended command. unless binding_irb? puts "`debug` command is only available when IRB is started with binding.irb" return end if IRB.respond_to?(:JobManager) warn "Can't start the debugger when IRB is running in a multi-IRB session." return end unless IRB::Debug.setup(irb_context.irb) puts <<~MSG You need to install the debug gem before using this command. If you use `bundle exec`, please add `gem "debug"` into your Gemfile. MSG return end IRB::Debug.insert_debug_break(pre_cmds: pre_cmds, do_cmds: do_cmds) # exit current Irb#run call throw :IRB_EXIT end end