class Jekyll::ArchivesV2::Archive
def date
Produce a date object if a date-based archive
def date return unless @title.is_a?(Hash) @date ||= begin args =*args) end end
def initialize(site, title, type, collection_name, documents)
collection_name - The name of the collection.
type - The type of archive. Can be one of "year", "month", "day", "category", or "tag"
e.g. { :year => 2014, :month => 08 } or "my-category" or "my-tag".
title - The name of the tag/category or a Hash of the year/month/day in case of date.
site - The Site object.
Initialize a new Archive page
def initialize(site, title, type, collection_name, documents) @site = site @documents = documents @type = type @title = title @collection_name = collection_name @config = site.config["jekyll-archives"][collection_name] @slug = slugify_string_title # Use ".html" for file extension and url for path @ext = File.extname(relative_path) @path = relative_path @name = File.basename(relative_path, @ext) @data = { "layout" => layout, } @content = "" end
def inspect
def inspect "#<Jekyll:Archive @type=#{@type} @title=#{@title} @data=#{@data.inspect}>" end
def layout
The layout to use for rendering
def layout @config.dig("layouts", type) || @config["layout"] end
def permalink
def permalink data&.is_a?(Hash) && data["permalink"] end
def relative_path
Obtain the write path relative to the destination directory
def relative_path @relative_path ||= begin path = URL.unescape_path(url).gsub(%r!^/!, "") path = File.join(path, "index.html") if url.end_with?("/") path end end
def slugify_string_title
Note: mode other than those expected by Jekyll returns the given string after
Generate slug if @title attribute is a string.
def slugify_string_title return unless title.is_a?(String) Utils.slugify(title, :mode => @config["slug_mode"]) end
def template
The template of the permalink.
def template @config.dig("permalinks", type) || "/:collection/:type/:name/" end
def title
Returns a String (for tag and category archives) and nil for
Produce a title object suitable for Liquid based on type of archive.
def title @title if @title.is_a? String end
def to_liquid
def to_liquid @to_liquid ||= end
def url
The generated relative url of this page. e.g. /about.html.
def url @url ||= :template => template, :placeholders => url_placeholders, :permalink => nil ).to_s rescue ArgumentError raise ArgumentError, "Template \"#{template}\" provided is invalid." end
def url_placeholders
Returns a hash of URL placeholder names (as symbols) mapping to the
def url_placeholders if @title.is_a? Hash @title.merge(:collection => @collection_name, :type => @type.singularize) else { :collection => @collection_name, :name => @slug, :type => @type.singularize } end end