module JsonbAccessor::Macro::ClassMethods
def jsonb_accessor(jsonb_attribute, field_types)
def jsonb_accessor(jsonb_attribute, field_types) field_names = field_types.keys names_and_store_keys = field_types.each_with_object({}) do |(name, type), mapping| _type, options = Array(type) mapping[name.to_s] = (options.try(:delete, :store_key) || name).to_s end # Defines virtual attributes for each jsonb field. field_types.each do |name, type| attribute name, *type end # Setters are in a module to allow users to override them and still be able to use `super`. setters = do # Overrides the setter created by `attribute` above to make sure the jsonb attribute is kept in sync. names_and_store_keys.each do |name, store_key| define_method("#{name}=") do |value| super(value) new_values = (public_send(jsonb_attribute) || {}).merge(store_key => public_send(name)) write_attribute(jsonb_attribute, new_values) end end # Overrides the jsonb attribute setter to make sure the jsonb fields are kept in sync. define_method("#{jsonb_attribute}=") do |value| indifferent_value = value.try(:with_indifferent_access) || {} value_with_store_keys = names_and_store_keys.each_with_object({}) do |(name, store_key), new_value| new_value[store_key] = indifferent_value[name] end super(value_with_store_keys) new_attributes = field_names.each_with_object({}) { |name, defaults| defaults[name] = nil }.merge(value || {}) new_attributes.each { |name, new_value| write_attribute(name, new_value) } end end include setters # Makes sure new objects have the appropriate values in their jsonb fields. after_initialize do jsonb_values = public_send(jsonb_attribute) || {} jsonb_values.each do |store_key, value| name = names_and_store_keys.key(store_key) write_attribute(name, value) end clear_changes_information if persisted? end # <jsonb_attribute>_where scope scope("#{jsonb_attribute}_where", lambda do |attributes| store_key_attributes = attributes.each_with_object({}) do |(name, value), new_attributes| store_key = names_and_store_keys[name.to_s] new_attributes[store_key] = value end jsonb_where(jsonb_attribute, store_key_attributes) end) end