module JsonbAccessor::Macro::ClassMethods
def jsonb_accessor(jsonb_attribute, field_types)
def jsonb_accessor(jsonb_attribute, field_types) names_and_store_keys = field_types.each_with_object({}) do |(name, type), mapping| _type, options = Array(type) mapping[name.to_s] = (options.try(:delete, :store_key) || name).to_s end # Defines virtual attributes for each jsonb field. field_types.each do |name, type| next attribute name, type unless type.is_a?(Array) next attribute name, *type unless type.last.is_a?(Hash) *args, keyword_args = type attribute name, *args, **keyword_args end store_key_mapping_method_name = "jsonb_store_key_mapping_for_#{jsonb_attribute}" # Defines methods on the model class class_methods = do # Allows us to get a mapping of field names to store keys scoped to the column define_method(store_key_mapping_method_name) do superclass_mapping = superclass.try(store_key_mapping_method_name) || {} superclass_mapping.merge(names_and_store_keys) end end # We extend with class methods here so we can use the results of methods it defines to define more useful methods later extend class_methods # Get field names to default values mapping names_and_defaults = field_types.each_with_object({}) do |(name, type), mapping| _type, options = Array(type) field_default = options.try(:delete, :default) mapping[name.to_s] = field_default unless field_default.nil? end # Get store keys to default values mapping store_keys_and_defaults = ::JsonbAccessor::Helpers.convert_keys_to_store_keys(names_and_defaults, public_send(store_key_mapping_method_name)) # Define jsonb_defaults_mapping_for_<jsonb_attribute> defaults_mapping_method_name = "jsonb_defaults_mapping_for_#{jsonb_attribute}" class_methods.instance_eval do define_method(defaults_mapping_method_name) do superclass_mapping = superclass.try(defaults_mapping_method_name) || {} superclass_mapping.merge(store_keys_and_defaults) end end all_defaults_mapping = public_send(defaults_mapping_method_name) # Fields may have procs as default value. This means `all_defaults_mapping` may contain procs as values. To make this work # with the attributes API, we need to wrap `all_defaults_mapping` with a proc itself, making sure it returns a plain hash # each time it is evaluated. all_defaults_mapping_proc = if all_defaults_mapping.present? -> { all_defaults_mapping.transform_values { |value| value.respond_to?(:call) ? : value }.to_h.compact } end attribute jsonb_attribute, :jsonb, default: all_defaults_mapping_proc if all_defaults_mapping_proc.present? # Setters are in a module to allow users to override them and still be able to use `super`. setters = do # Overrides the setter created by `attribute` above to make sure the jsonb attribute is kept in sync. names_and_store_keys.each do |name, store_key| define_method("#{name}=") do |value| super(value) attribute_value = public_send(name) # Rails always saves time based on `default_timezone`. Since #as_json considers timezone, manual conversion is needed if attribute_value.acts_like?(:time) attribute_value = (::JsonbAccessor::Helpers.active_record_default_timezone == :utc ? attribute_value.utc : attribute_value.in_time_zone).strftime("%F %R:%S.%L") end new_values = (public_send(jsonb_attribute) || {}).merge(store_key => attribute_value) write_attribute(jsonb_attribute, new_values) end end # Overrides the jsonb attribute setter to make sure the jsonb fields are kept in sync. define_method("#{jsonb_attribute}=") do |value| value ||= {} names_to_store_keys = self.class.public_send(store_key_mapping_method_name) # this is the raw hash we want to save in the jsonb_attribute value_with_store_keys = ::JsonbAccessor::Helpers.convert_keys_to_store_keys(value, names_to_store_keys) write_attribute(jsonb_attribute, value_with_store_keys) # this maps attributes to values value_with_named_keys = ::JsonbAccessor::Helpers.convert_store_keys_to_keys(value, names_to_store_keys) empty_named_attributes = names_to_store_keys.transform_values { nil } empty_named_attributes.merge(value_with_named_keys).each do |name, attribute_value| # Undefined keys: There might be things in the JSON that haven't been defined using jsonb_accessor # It should still be possible to save arbitrary data in the JSON next unless has_attribute? name write_attribute(name, attribute_value) end end end include setters # Makes sure new objects have the appropriate values in their jsonb fields. after_initialize do next unless has_attribute? jsonb_attribute jsonb_values = public_send(jsonb_attribute) || {} jsonb_values.each do |store_key, value| name = names_and_store_keys.key(store_key) next unless name write_attribute(name, value) clear_attribute_change(name) if persisted? end end, jsonb_attribute) end