class LHC::Zipkin
def after_response
def after_response # only sample the current call if we're instructed to do so return unless dependencies? && trace_id.sampled? end_trace! end
def before_request
def before_request return if !dependencies? || !tracing? ZipkinTracer::TraceContainer.with_trace_id(trace_id) do # add headers even if the current trace_id should not be sampled B3_HEADERS.each { |method, header| request.headers[header] = trace_id.send(method).to_s } # only sample the current call if we're instructed to do so start_trace! if ::Trace.tracer && trace_id.sampled? end end
def dependencies?
def dependencies? ( defined?(ZipkinTracer::TraceContainer) && defined?(::Trace) && defined?(::Trace::Annotation) && defined?(::Trace::BinaryAnnotation) && defined?(::Trace::Endpoint) ) || warn('[WARNING] Zipkin interceptor is enabled but dependencies are not found. See:') end
def end_trace!
def end_trace! record_status record_error if !response.success? record_end end
def local_endpoint
def local_endpoint @local_endpoint ||= ::Trace.default_endpoint end
def record_end
def record_end span.record(::Trace::Annotation::CLIENT_RECV, local_endpoint) ::Trace.tracer.end_span(span) end
def record_error
def record_error span.record_tag(::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::ERROR, status, ::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::STRING, local_endpoint) end
def record_local_endpoint
def record_local_endpoint span.record(::Trace::Annotation::CLIENT_SEND, local_endpoint) end
def record_path
def record_path span.record_tag(::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::PATH, url.path, ::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::STRING, local_endpoint) end
def record_remote_endpoint
def record_remote_endpoint span.record_tag(::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::SERVER_ADDRESS, TRUE, ::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::BOOL, remote_endpoint) end
def record_status
def record_status span.record_tag(::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::STATUS, status, ::Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::STRING, local_endpoint) end
def remote_endpoint
def remote_endpoint @remote_endpoint ||= ::Trace::Endpoint.remote_endpoint(url, service_name, local_endpoint.ip_format) end
def service_name
def service_name @service_name ||= end
def span
def span @span ||= ::Trace.tracer.start_span(trace_id, url.path) end
def start_trace!
def start_trace! record_path record_remote_endpoint record_local_endpoint end
def status
def status @status ||= response.code.to_s end
def trace_id
def trace_id @trace_id ||= end
def tracing?
def tracing? ZipkinTracer::TraceContainer.current end
def url
def url @url ||= URI(request.raw.url) end