class M::TestCollection

test methods
In charge of some smart querying, filtering, sorting, etc on the the
## Custom wrapper around an array of test methods

def by_line_number &block

Be considerate when printing out tests and pre-sort them by line number
def by_line_number &block
  # On each member of the collection, sort by line number and yield
  # the block into the sorted collection

def column_size

Used to line up method names in `#sprintf` when `m` aborts
def column_size
  # Boil down the collection of test methods to the name of the method's
  # size, then find the largest one
  @column_size ||= map { |test| }.max

def initialize collection = nil

def initialize collection = nil
  @collection = collection || []

def within lines

Returns a new TestCollection with the results.
Slice out tests that may be within the given line.
def within lines
  # Into a new collection, filter only the tests that...
  collection = select do |test|
    lines.none? || lines.any? { |line| (test.start_line..test.end_line).cover?(line) }
  end collection