class Mail::Header
def [](name)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def []: (Symbol name) -> nil
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
h['To'] #=> ''
h.fields = ['To:', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 15', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 20']
h =
in the header ordered from top to bottom.
matching header, will return an array of values in order that they appear
of the value if there is only one header, or if there is more than one
As per RFC, many fields can appear more than once, we will return a string
appears in the Notes column.
in the minimum or maximum column indicates that a special restriction
limitations on the use of those fields. An asterisk next to a value
field may occur in a message header as well as any special
The following table indicates limits on the number of times each
3.6. Field definitions
def [](name) fields.get_field(Utilities.dasherize(name)) end