class MetaTags::Renderer
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
# sig/meta_tags/renderer.rbs class MetaTags::Renderer def configured_name_key: (String name) -> Symbol def initialize: (MetaTags::MetaTagsCollection meta_tags) -> void def process_tree: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags, String property, String content, itemprop: nil, **Hash opts) -> Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] def render_alternate: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> nil def render_hash: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags, String key, **Hash opts) -> Hash def render_links: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> untyped def render_noindex: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> untyped def render_open_search: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> nil def render_refresh: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> nil def render_tag: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags, String name, String value, itemprop: nil) -> Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] def render_title: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags) -> Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] def render_with_normalization: (Array[MetaTags::ContentTag] tags, Symbol name) -> untyped end
This class is used by MetaTags gems to render HTML meta tags into page.
def configured_name_key(name)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def configured_name_key: (String name) -> Symbol
This signature was generated using 7 samples from 1 application.
- meta tag attribute name (:property or :name).
(String, Symbol
) -- tag key.
def configured_name_key(name) is_property_tag = MetaTags.config.property_tags.any? do |tag_name| name.to_s.match(/^#{Regexp.escape(tag_name.to_s)}\b/) end is_property_tag ? :property : :name end
def initialize(meta_tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def initialize: (MetaTags::MetaTagsCollection meta_tags) -> void
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- meta tags object to render.
def initialize(meta_tags) @meta_tags = meta_tags @normalized_meta_tags = {} end
def process_array(tags, property, content, **opts)
) -- array of nested meta tag attributes or values. -
(String, Symbol
) -- a Hash or a String to render as meta tag. -
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def process_array(tags, property, content, **opts) content.each { |v| process_tree(tags, property, v, **opts) } end
def process_hash(tags, property, content, **opts)
) -- nested meta tag attributes. -
(String, Symbol
) -- a Hash or a String to render as meta tag. -
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def process_hash(tags, property, content, **opts) itemprop = content.delete(:itemprop) content.each do |key, value| if key.to_s == '_' iprop = itemprop key = property else key = "#{property}:#{key}" end normalized_value = if value.kind_of?(Symbol) normalized_meta_tags[value] else value end process_tree(tags, key, normalized_value, **opts.merge(itemprop: iprop)) end end
def process_tree(tags, property, content, itemprop: nil, **opts)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
type MetaTags__Renderer_process_tree_tags = MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag def process_tree: (MetaTags__Renderer_process_tree_tags tags, String property, String content, itemprop: nil, ** opts) -> (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag)
This signature was generated using 7 samples from 1 application.
(Hash, Array, String, Symbol
) -- text content or a symbol reference to -
(String, Symbol
) -- a Hash or a String to render as meta tag. -
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def process_tree(tags, property, content, itemprop: nil, **opts) method = case content when Hash :process_hash when Array :process_array else iprop = itemprop :render_tag end __send__(method, tags, property, content, itemprop: iprop, **opts) end
def render(view)
) -- Rails view object.
def render(view) tags = [] render_charset(tags) render_title(tags) render_icon(tags) render_with_normalization(tags, :description) render_with_normalization(tags, :keywords) render_refresh(tags) render_canonical_link(tags) render_noindex(tags) render_alternate(tags) render_open_search(tags) render_links(tags) render_hashes(tags) render_custom(tags) tags.tap(&:compact!).map! { |tag| tag.render(view) } view.safe_join tags, MetaTags.config.minify_output ? "" : "\n" end
def render_alternate(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_alternate: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags) -> nil
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_alternate(tags) alternate = meta_tags.extract(:alternate) return unless alternate if alternate.kind_of?(Hash) alternate.each do |hreflang, href| tags <<, rel: 'alternate', href: href, hreflang: hreflang) if href.present? end elsif alternate.kind_of?(Array) alternate.each do |link_params| tags <<, { rel: 'alternate' }.with_indifferent_access.merge(link_params)) end end end
def render_canonical_link(tags)
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_canonical_link(tags) href = meta_tags.extract(:canonical) # extract, so its not used anywhere else return if MetaTags.config.skip_canonical_links_on_noindex && meta_tags[:noindex] return if href.blank? @normalized_meta_tags[:canonical] = href tags <<, rel: :canonical, href: href) end
def render_charset(tags)
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_charset(tags) charset = meta_tags.extract(:charset) tags <<, charset: charset) if charset.present? end
def render_custom(tags)
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_custom(tags) meta_tags.meta_tags.each do |name, data| Array(data).each do |val| tags <<, configured_name_key(name) => name, content: val) end meta_tags.extract(name) end end
def render_hash(tags, key, **opts)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_hash: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags, String key, ** opts) -> site_name | String | description | String | type | String | url | String | image | String
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 2 applications.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_hash(tags, key, **opts) data = meta_tags.meta_tags[key] return unless data.kind_of?(Hash) process_hash(tags, key, data, **opts) meta_tags.extract(key) end
def render_hashes(tags, **opts)
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_hashes(tags, **opts) meta_tags.meta_tags.each_key do |property| render_hash(tags, property, **opts) end end
def render_icon(tags)
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_icon(tags) icon = meta_tags.extract(:icon) return unless icon # String? Value is an href icon = [{ href: icon }] if icon.kind_of?(String) # Hash? Single icon instead of a list of icons icon = [icon] if icon.kind_of?(Hash) icon.each do |icon_params| icon_params = { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon' }.with_indifferent_access.merge(icon_params) tags <<, icon_params) end end
def render_links(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_links: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_links(tags) [ :amphtml, :prev, :next, :image_src, :manifest ].each do |tag_name| href = meta_tags.extract(tag_name) if href.present? @normalized_meta_tags[tag_name] = href tags <<, rel: tag_name, href: href) end end end
def render_noindex(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_noindex: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_noindex(tags) meta_tags.extract_robots.each do |name, content| tags <<, name: name, content: content) if content.present? end end
def render_open_search(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_open_search: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags) -> nil
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_open_search(tags) open_search = meta_tags.extract(:open_search) return unless open_search href = open_search[:href] title = open_search[:title] type = "application/opensearchdescription+xml" tags <<, rel: 'search', type: type, href: href, title: title) if href.present? end
def render_refresh(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_refresh: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags) -> nil
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_refresh(tags) refresh = meta_tags.extract(:refresh) tags <<, 'http-equiv' => 'refresh', content: refresh.to_s) if refresh.present? end
def render_tag(tags, name, value, itemprop: nil)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
type MetaTags__Renderer_render_tag_tags = MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag type MetaTags__Renderer_render_tag_return_value = MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag def render_tag: (MetaTags__Renderer_render_tag_tags tags, String name, String value, itemprop: nil) -> MetaTags__Renderer_render_tag_return_value
This signature was generated using 8 samples from 1 application.
(String, Symbol
) -- value of the itemprop attribute. -
(String, Symbol
) -- text content or a symbol reference to -
(String, Symbol
) -- a Hash or a String to render as meta tag. -
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_tag(tags, name, value, itemprop: nil) name_key ||= configured_name_key(name) tags <<, name_key => name.to_s, content: value, itemprop: itemprop) if value.present? end
def render_title(tags)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_title: ( tags) ->
This signature was generated using 2 samples from 1 application.
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_title(tags) normalized_meta_tags[:title] = meta_tags.page_title normalized_meta_tags[:site] = meta_tags[:site] title = meta_tags.extract_full_title normalized_meta_tags[:full_title] = title tags <<, content: title) if title.present? end
def render_with_normalization(tags, name)
Experimental RBS support (using type sampling data from the type_fusion
def render_with_normalization: (MetaTags::Tag | MetaTags::Tag tags, Symbol name) -> untyped
This signature was generated using 1 sample from 1 application.
- See: TextNormalizer -
) -- a buffer object to store tag in.
def render_with_normalization(tags, name) value = TextNormalizer.public_send("normalize_#{name}", meta_tags.extract(name)) normalized_meta_tags[name] = value tags <<, name: name, content: value) if value.present? end