class MIME::Types
def [](type_id, complete: false, registered: false)
5. Obsolete definitions use-instead clauses are compared.
4. Obsolete definitions with use-instead clauses sort before those
3. Current definitions sort before obsolete ones;
2. IANA-registered definitions sort before LTSW-recorded
1. Complete definitions sort before incomplete ones;
If multiple type definitions are returned, returns them sorted as
puts t.to_a.join(", ")
MIME::Types[/^image/, :complete => true].each do |t|
puts "\nMIME::Types[/^image/, complete: true]"
MIME::Types['text/plain'].each { |t| puts t.to_a.join(", ") }
puts "\nMIME::Types['text/plain']"
one for the general case, and one for VMS systems).
either type (in the example below, 'text/plain' returns two values --
registered). It is possible for multiple matches to be returned for
objects) and :registered (finds only MIME::Types that are
flag parameters are :complete (finds only complete MIME::Type
Returns a list of MIME::Type objects, which may be empty. The optional
def [](type_id, complete: false, registered: false) matches = case type_id when MIME::Type @type_variants[type_id.simplified] when Regexp match(type_id) else @type_variants[MIME::Type.simplified(type_id)] end prune_matches(matches, complete, registered).sort { |a, b| a.priority_compare(b) } end
def add(*types)
The last parameter may be the value :silent or +true+ which
type is already known, a warning will be displayed.
Add one or more MIME::Type objects to the set of known types. If the
def add(*types) quiet = (types.last == :silent) || (types.last == true) types.each do |mime_type| case mime_type when true, false, nil, Symbol nil when MIME::Types variants = mime_type.instance_variable_get(:@type_variants) add(*variants.values.inject(, :+).to_a, quiet) when Array add(*mime_type, quiet) else add_type(mime_type, quiet) end end end
def add_type(type, quiet = false)
already known, a warning will be displayed. The +quiet+ parameter may be a
Add a single MIME::Type object to the set of known types. If the +type+ is
def add_type(type, quiet = false) if !quiet && @type_variants[type.simplified].include?(type) MIME::Types.logger.debug <<-WARNING.chomp.strip Type #{type} is already registered as a variant of #{type.simplified}. WARNING end add_type_variant!(type) index_extensions!(type) end
def add_type_variant!(mime_type)
def add_type_variant!(mime_type) @type_variants.add(mime_type.simplified, mime_type) end
def count
def count @type_variants.values.inject(0) { |a, e| a + e.size } end
def each
def each if block_given? @type_variants.each_value { |tv| tv.each { |t| yield t } } else enum_for(:each) end end
def index_extensions!(mime_type)
def index_extensions!(mime_type) mime_type.extensions.each { |ext| @extension_index.add(ext, mime_type) } end
def initialize
def initialize @type_variants = @extension_index = end
def inspect # :nodoc:
def inspect # :nodoc: "#<#{self.class}: #{count} variants, #{@extension_index.count} extensions>" end
def load_mode
def load_mode {columnar: false} end
def match(pattern)
def match(pattern) { |k, _| k =~ pattern }.values.inject(, :+) end
def prune_matches(matches, complete, registered)
def prune_matches(matches, complete, registered) matches.delete_if { |e| !e.complete? } if complete matches.delete_if { |e| !e.registered? } if registered matches end
def reindex_extensions!(mime_type)
def reindex_extensions!(mime_type) return unless @type_variants[mime_type.simplified].include?(mime_type) index_extensions!(mime_type) end
def type_for(filename)
puts MIME::Types.type_for(%w(citydesk.xml citydesk.gif))
=> [image/gif]
puts MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.gif')
=> [application/xml, text/xml]
puts MIME::Types.type_for('citydesk.xml')
This will always return a merged, flatten, priority sorted, unique array.
as the matching criteria on its own.
filename extension. If there is no extension, the filename will be used
Return the list of MIME::Types which belongs to the file based on its
def type_for(filename) Array(filename).flat_map { |fn| @extension_index[fn.chomp.downcase[/\.?([^.]*?)\z/m, 1]] }.compact.inject(, :+).sort { |a, b| a.priority_compare(b) } end