module Mixlib::CLI
def parse_options(argv=ARGV)
=== Returns
=== Parameters
the class level).
Parses an array, by default ARGV, for command line options (as configured at
def parse_options(argv=ARGV) argv = argv.dup @opt_parser = do |opts| # Set the banner opts.banner = banner # Create new options options.sort { |a, b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s }.each do |opt_key, opt_val| opt_args = build_option_arguments(opt_val) opt_method = case opt_val[:on] when :on :on when :tail :on_tail when :head :on_head else raise ArgumentError, "You must pass :on, :tail, or :head to :on" end parse_block = do |c| config[opt_key] = (opt_val[:proc] && opt_val[:proc].call(c)) || c puts opts if opt_val[:show_options] exit opt_val[:exit] if opt_val[:exit] end full_opt = [ opt_method ] opt_args.inject(full_opt) { |memo, arg| memo << arg; memo } full_opt << parse_block opts.send(*full_opt) end end @opt_parser.parse!(argv) # Deal with any required values options.each do |opt_key, opt_value| if opt_value[:required] && !config.has_key?(opt_key) reqarg = opt_value[:short] || opt_value[:long] puts "You must supply #{reqarg}!" puts @opt_parser exit 2 end end argv end