module Mixlib::CLI
def initialize(*args)
=== Returns
=== Parameters
Create a new Mixlib::CLI class. If you override this, make sure you call super!
def initialize(*args) @options = @config = @default_config = @opt_parser = nil # Set the banner @banner = self.class.banner # Dupe the class options for this instance klass_options = self.class.options klass_options.keys.inject(@options) { |memo, key| memo[key] = klass_options[key].dup; memo } # If use_separate_defaults? is on, default values go in @default_config defaults_container = if self.class.use_separate_defaults? @default_config else @config end # Set the default configuration values for this instance @options.each do |config_key, config_opts| config_opts[:on] ||= :on config_opts[:boolean] ||= false config_opts[:required] ||= false config_opts[:proc] ||= nil config_opts[:show_options] ||= false config_opts[:exit] ||= nil config_opts[:in] ||= nil if config_opts.has_key?(:default) defaults_container[config_key] = config_opts[:default] end end super(*args) end