module Mixlib module CLI class Formatter # Create a string that includes both versions (short/long) of a flag name # based on on whether short/long/both/neither are provided # # @param short [String] the short name of the option. Can be nil. # @param long [String] the long name of the option. Can be nil. # @return [String] the formatted flag name as described above def self.combined_option_display_name(short, long) usage = "" # short/long may have an argument (--long ARG) # splitting on " " and taking first ensures that we get just # the flag name without the argument if one is present. usage << short.split(" ").first if short usage << "/" if long && short usage << long.split(" ").first if long usage end # @param opt_arry [Array] # # @return [String] a friendly quoted list of items complete with "or" def self.friendly_opt_list(opt_array) opts = { |x| "'#{x}'" } return opts.join(" or ") if opts.size < 3 opts[0..-2].join(", ") + ", or " + opts[-1] end end end end