class Mixlib::ShellOut

def error!

::ShellCommandFailed::: via +invalid!+
=== Raises
nil::: always returns nil when it does not raise
=== Returns
which raises an Exception.
+exitstatus+ is not in the list of +valid_exit_codes+, calls +invalid!+,
Checks the +exitstatus+ against the set of +valid_exit_codes+. If
def error!
  unless Array(valid_exit_codes).include?(exitstatus)
    invalid!("Expected process to exit with #{valid_exit_codes.inspect}, but received '#{exitstatus}'")

def exitstatus

`kill -9`).
running or died without setting an exit status (e.g., terminated by
The exit status of the subprocess. Will be nil if the command is still
def exitstatus
  @status && @status.exitstatus

def format_for_exception

results when the command exited with an unexpected status.
showing the exact command executed. Used by +invalid!+ to show command
Creates a String showing the output of the command, including a banner
def format_for_exception
  msg = ""
  msg << "#{@terminate_reason}\n" if @terminate_reason
  msg << "---- Begin output of #{command} ----\n"
  msg << "STDOUT: #{stdout.strip}\n"
  msg << "STDERR: #{stderr.strip}\n"
  msg << "---- End output of #{command} ----\n"
  msg << "Ran #{command} returned #{status.exitstatus}" if status

def gid

given as a group name, it is converted to a gid by Etc.getgrnam
The gid that the subprocess will switch to. If the group attribute is
def gid
  return nil unless group
  group.kind_of?(Integer) ? group : Etc.getgrnam(group.to_s).gid

def initialize(*command_args)

cmd.run_command # etc.
cmd ="apachectl", "start", :user => 'www', :env => nil, :cwd => '/tmp')
Run a command as the +www+ user with no extra ENV settings from +/tmp+
# Raise an exception if it didn't exit with 0
puts "error messages" + find.stderr
# find(1) prints diagnostic info to STDERR:
puts find.stdout
# If all went well, the results are on +stdout+
find ="find . -name '*.rb'")
Invoke find(1) to search for .rb files:
=== Examples:
seconds. Note: the stdlib Timeout library is not used.
receiving any output (i.e., returned nil). Default is 60
total amount of time that ShellOut waited on the child process without
child process before raising an Exception. This is calculated as the
* +timeout+: a Numeric value for the number of seconds to wait on the
without changing the locale.
:environment => {'LC_ALL'=>nil, ...} to set other environment settings
use :environment => nil for *no* extra environment settings, or
to prevent issues with multibyte characters in Ruby 1.8. To avoid this,
is run. By default, the environment will *always* be set to 'LC_ALL' => 'C'
* +environment+: a Hash of environment variables to set before the command
subprocess. This only has an effect if you call +error!+ after
* +returns+: one or more Integer values to use as valid exit codes for the
be treated as an octal integer
be sure to use two leading zeros so it's parsed as Octal. A string will
* +umask+: a umask to set before running the command. If given as an Integer,
* +cwd+: the directory to chdir to before running the command
* +group+: the group the command should run as. works similarly to +user+
with Etc.getpwnam
used as a uid. A string is treated as a username and resolved to a uid
* +user+: the user the commmand should run as. if an integer is given, it is
to exec and used as an options hash. The following options are available:
If the last argument is a Hash, it is removed from the list of args passed
=== Options:
options Hash.
explanation of how arguments are evaluated. The last argument can be an
as arguments to Kernel.exec. See the Kernel.exec documentation for more
Takes a single command, or a list of command fragments. These are used
=== Arguments:
def initialize(*command_args)
  @stdout, @stderr = '', ''
  @live_stream = nil
  @input = nil
  @log_level = :debug
  @log_tag = nil
  @environment = DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT
  @cwd = nil
  @valid_exit_codes = [0]
  @terminate_reason = nil
  if command_args.last.is_a?(Hash)
  @command = command_args.size == 1 ? command_args.first : command_args

def inspect

def inspect
  "<#{}##{object_id}: command: '#@command' process_status: #{@status.inspect} " +
  "stdout: '#{stdout.strip}' stderr: '#{stderr.strip}' child_pid: #{@child_pid.inspect} " +
  "environment: #{@environment.inspect} timeout: #{timeout} user: #@user group: #@group working_dir: #@cwd >"

def invalid!(msg=nil)

ShellCommandFailed always
=== Raises
is highly encouraged.
default explanation is very generic, providing a more informative message
+msg+: A String to use as the basis of the exception message. The
=== Arguments
command's stdout, stderr, and exitstatus to the exception message.
Raises a ShellCommandFailed exception, appending the
def invalid!(msg=nil)
  msg ||= "Command produced unexpected results"
  raise ShellCommandFailed, msg + "\n" + format_for_exception

def parse_options(opts)

def parse_options(opts)
  opts.each do |option, setting|
    case option.to_s
    when 'cwd'
      self.cwd = setting
    when 'domain'
      self.domain = setting
    when 'password'
      self.password = setting
    when 'user'
      self.user = setting
      self.with_logon = setting
    when 'group' = setting
    when 'umask'
      self.umask = setting
    when 'timeout'
      self.timeout = setting
    when 'returns'
      self.valid_exit_codes = Array(setting)
    when 'live_stream'
      self.live_stream = setting
    when 'input'
      self.input = setting
    when 'logger'
      self.logger = setting
    when 'log_level'
      self.log_level = setting
    when 'log_tag'
      self.log_tag = setting
    when 'environment', 'env'
      # Set the LC_ALL from the parent process if the user wanted
      # to use the default.
      if setting && setting.has_key?("LC_ALL") && setting['LC_ALL'].nil?
        setting['LC_ALL'] = ENV['LC_ALL']
      # passing :environment => nil means don't set any new ENV vars
      @environment = setting.nil? ? {} : @environment.dup.merge!(setting)
      raise InvalidCommandOption, "option '#{option.inspect}' is not a valid option for #{}"

def run_command

within +timeout+ seconds (default: 600s)
* CommandTimeout when the command does not complete
in the current $PATH)
* Errno::ENOENT when the command is not available on the system (or not
* Errno::EACCES when you are not privileged to execute the command
=== Raises
populated with results of the command
returns +self+; +stdout+, +stderr+, +status+, and +exitstatus+ will be
=== Returns
to +stdout+ and +stderr+, and saving its exit status object to +status+
Run the command, writing the command's standard out and standard error
def run_command
  if logger
    log_message = (log_tag.nil? ? "" : "#@log_tag ") << "sh(#@command)"
    logger.send(log_level, log_message)

def timeout

def timeout

def uid

given as a username, it is converted to a uid by Etc.getpwnam
The uid that the subprocess will switch to. If the user attribute was
def uid
  return nil unless user
  user.kind_of?(Integer) ? user : Etc.getpwnam(user.to_s).uid

def umask=(new_umask)

will be converted to an integer by String#oct.
Set the umask that the subprocess will have. If given as a string, it
def umask=(new_umask)
  @umask = (new_umask.respond_to?(:oct) ? new_umask.oct : new_umask.to_i) & 007777

def validate_options(opts)

def validate_options(opts)