class Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document

Nokogiri::XML::SAX, and Nokogiri::HTML4::SAX.
You can use this event handler for any SAX style parser included with Nokogiri. See
puts “#{name} ended”
def end_element name
puts “#{name} started!”
def start_element name, attrs = []
class MyDocument < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document
To only be notified about start and end element events, write a class like this:
are interested in knowing about.
register for any particular event, just subclass this class and implement the methods you
the methods on this class are available as possible events while parsing an XML document. To
This class is used for registering types of events you are interested in handling. All of

def cdata_block(string)

+string+ contains the cdata content
Called when cdata blocks are found
def cdata_block(string)

def characters(string)

+string+ contains the character data

times given one contiguous string of characters.
Characters read between a tag. This method might be called multiple
def characters(string)

def comment(string)

+string+ contains the comment data
Called when comments are encountered
def comment(string)

def end_document

Called when document ends parsing
def end_document

def end_element(name)

+name+ is the tag name
Called at the end of an element
def end_element(name)

def end_element_namespace(name, prefix = nil, uri = nil)

+uri+ is the associated namespace URI
+prefix+ is the namespace prefix associated with the element
+name+ is the element's name
Called at the end of an element
def end_element_namespace(name, prefix = nil, uri = nil)
  # Deal with SAX v1 interface
  end_element([prefix, name].compact.join(":"))

def error(string)

+string+ contains the error
Called on document errors
def error(string)

def processing_instruction(name, content)

+content+ is the value of the instruction
+name+ is the target of the instruction
Called when processing instructions are found
def processing_instruction(name, content)

def start_document

Called when document starts parsing
def start_document

def start_element(name, attrs = [])

[ ["xmlns:foo", ""], ["size", "large"] ]
* +attrs+ are an assoc list of namespaces and attributes, e.g.:
* +name+ is the name of the tag
Called at the beginning of an element
def start_element(name, attrs = [])

def start_element_namespace(name, attrs = [], prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = []) # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists

rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
+ns+ is a hash of namespace prefix:urls associated with the element
+uri+ is the associated namespace URI
+prefix+ is the namespace prefix for the element
+attrs+ is a list of attributes
+name+ is the element name
Called at the beginning of an element
def start_element_namespace(name, attrs = [], prefix = nil, uri = nil, ns = []) # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
  # Deal with SAX v1 interface
  name = [prefix, name].compact.join(":")
  attributes = do |ns_prefix, ns_uri|
    [["xmlns", ns_prefix].compact.join(":"), ns_uri]
  end + do |attr|
    [[attr.prefix, attr.localname].compact.join(":"), attr.value]
  start_element(name, attributes)

def warning(string)

+string+ contains the warning
Called on document warnings
def warning(string)

def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone)

Called when an XML declaration is parsed
def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone)