module Nokogiri::HTML5::Node
def add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node)
annoying with attribute names like xml:lang since libxml2 will
and tries to create an attribute in a namespace. This is especially
Nokogiri::XML::Node#[]= treats names with colons as a prefixed QName
HTML elements can have attributes that contain colons.
def add_child_node_and_reparent_attrs(node) return super unless document.is_a?(HTML5::Document) # I'm not sure what this method is supposed to do. Reparenting # namespaces is handled by libxml2, including child namespaces which # this method wouldn't handle. # add_child_node(node) # node.attribute_nodes.find_all { |a| a.namespace }.each do |attr| # attr.remove # ns = attr.namespace # a["#{ns.prefix}:#{}"] = attr.value # end end
def fragment(tags)
def fragment(tags) return super unless document.is_a?(HTML5::Document), tags, self) end
def inner_html(options = {})
def inner_html(options = {}) return super unless document.is_a?(HTML5::Document) result = options[:preserve_newline] && prepend_newline? ? +"\n" : +"" result << { |child| child.to_html(options) }.join result end
def write_to(io, *options)
def write_to(io, *options) return super unless document.is_a?(HTML5::Document) options = options.first.is_a?(Hash) ? options.shift : {} encoding = options[:encoding] || options[0] if Nokogiri.jruby? save_options = options[:save_with] || options[1] indent_times = options[:indent] || 0 else save_options = options[:save_with] || options[1] || XML::Node::SaveOptions::FORMAT indent_times = options[:indent] || 2 end indent_string = (options[:indent_text] || " ") * indent_times config = yield config if block_given? encoding = encoding.is_a?(Encoding) ? : encoding config_options = config.options if config_options & (XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML | XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XHTML) != 0 # Use Nokogiri's serializing code. native_write_to(io, encoding, indent_string, config_options) else # Serialize including the current node. html = html_standard_serialize(options[:preserve_newline] || false) encoding ||= document.encoding || Encoding::UTF_8 io << html.encode(encoding, fallback: lambda { |c| "&#x#{c.ord.to_s(16)};" }) end end