class PgSearch::Features::TSearch
def arel_wrap(sql_string)
def arel_wrap(sql_string) end
def column_to_tsvector(search_column)
def column_to_tsvector(search_column) tsvector = "to_tsvector", [dictionary, Arel.sql(normalize(search_column.to_sql))] ).to_sql if search_column.weight.nil? tsvector else "setweight(#{tsvector}, #{connection.quote(search_column.weight)})" end end
def columns_to_use
def columns_to_use if options[:tsvector_column] { |c| c.is_a?(PgSearch::Configuration::ForeignColumn) } else columns end end
def conditions
def conditions"@@", arel_wrap(tsdocument), arel_wrap(tsquery)) ) end
def dictionary
def dictionary Compatibility.build_quoted(options[:dictionary] || :simple) end
def initialize(*args)
def initialize(*args) super if options[:prefix] && model.connection.send(:postgresql_version) < 80400 raise<<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc) Sorry, {:using => {:tsearch => {:prefix => true}}} only works in PostgreSQL 8.4 and above.") MESSAGE end end
def normalization
32 divides the rank by itself + 1
16 divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the number of unique words in document
8 divides the rank by the number of unique words in document
4 divides the rank by the mean harmonic distance between extents (this is implemented only by ts_rank_cd)
2 divides the rank by the document length
1 divides the rank by 1 + the logarithm of the document length
0 (the default) ignores the document length
def normalization options[:normalization] || 0 end
def rank
def rank arel_wrap(tsearch_rank) end
def tsdocument
def tsdocument tsdocument_terms = (columns_to_use || []).map do |search_column| column_to_tsvector(search_column) end if options[:tsvector_column] tsvector_columns = Array.wrap(options[:tsvector_column]) tsdocument_terms << do |tsvector_column| column_name = connection.quote_column_name(tsvector_column) "#{quoted_table_name}.#{column_name}" end end tsdocument_terms.join(' || ') end
def tsearch_rank
def tsearch_rank "ts_rank((#{tsdocument}), (#{tsquery}), #{normalization})" end
def tsquery
def tsquery return "''" if query.blank? query_terms = query.split(" ").compact tsquery_terms = { |term| tsquery_for_term(term) } tsquery_terms.join(options[:any_word] ? ' || ' : ' && ') end
def tsquery_for_term(unsanitized_term)
def tsquery_for_term(unsanitized_term) if options[:negation] && unsanitized_term.start_with?("!") unsanitized_term[0] = '' negated = true end sanitized_term = unsanitized_term.gsub(DISALLOWED_TSQUERY_CHARACTERS, " ") term_sql = Arel.sql(normalize(connection.quote(sanitized_term))) # After this, the SQL expression evaluates to a string containing the term surrounded by single-quotes. # If :prefix is true, then the term will have :* appended to the end. # If :negated is true, then the term will have ! prepended to the front. terms = [ (Compatibility.build_quoted('!') if negated), Compatibility.build_quoted("' "), term_sql, Compatibility.build_quoted(" '"), (Compatibility.build_quoted(":*") if options[:prefix]) ].compact tsquery_sql = terms.inject do |memo, term|"||", memo, Compatibility.build_quoted(term)) end "to_tsquery", [dictionary, tsquery_sql] ).to_sql end