
The table_header subcomponent creates “ elements and optionally accepts:

  • colspan (number) for setting column span
  • sort_menu accepts sort options as an array of item objects. presence of sort_menu enables the sort link within the header
  • sort_dropdown (boolean) optionally declares that (true) clicking a header’s sort link opens a dropdown of sort options, or (false) each sort link click cycles through available sort_menu items in the order they are passed
    • passing a valid colspan will render sort options within a dropdown by default, without requiring sort_dropdown explicitly. Alternatively, the default sort dropdown can be prevented on headers with colspan by setting sort_dropdown: false, which reverts the column to sorting to multi-click default (each click of the sort link cycles through the available sort_menu items in the order they are passed)
  • id (string) is required for headers that have a dropdown (for popover reference); otherwise they are optional


This example uses a custom sort method that may need to be modified or replaced within your project.