class Process::Daemon::Controller

def stop_by_terminate_or_kill(pgid)

def stop_by_terminate_or_kill(pgid)
	# TERM/KILL loop - if the daemon didn't die easily, shoot it a few more times.
	(STOP_ATTEMPTS+1).times do |attempt|
		break unless ProcessFile.running(@daemon)
		# SIGKILL gets sent on the last attempt.
		signal_name = (attempt < STOP_ATTEMPTS) ? "TERM" : "KILL"
		@output.puts Rainbow("Sending #{signal_name} to process group #{pgid}...").red
		Process.kill(signal_name, pgid)
		# We iterate quickly to start with, and slow down if the process seems unresponsive.
		timeout = STOP_PERIOD + (attempt.to_f / STOP_ATTEMPTS) * STOP_WAIT_FACTOR
		@output.puts Rainbow("Waiting for #{timeout.round(1)}s for daemon to terminate...").blue