class Psych::Nodes::Scalar

This node type is a terminal node and should not have any children.
This class represents a YAML Scalar.

def initialize value, anchor = nil, tag = nil, plain = true, quoted = false, style = ANY

See also Psych::Handler#scalar

== See Also

+style+ is an integer idicating the string style
+quoted+ is a boolean value
+plain+ is a boolean value
+tag+ is an associated tag or nil
+anchor+ is an associated anchor or nil
+value+ is the string value of the scalar

Create a new Psych::Nodes::Scalar object.
def initialize value, anchor = nil, tag = nil, plain = true, quoted = false, style = ANY
  @value  = value
  @anchor = anchor
  @tag    = tag
  @plain  = plain
  @quoted = quoted
  @style  = style