class Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree

def visit_String o

def visit_String o
  plain = true
  quote = true
  style = Nodes::Scalar::PLAIN
  tag   = nil
  if binary?(o)
    o     = [o].pack('m0')
    tag   = '!binary' # FIXME: change to below when syck is removed
    #tag   = ',2002:binary'
    style = Nodes::Scalar::LITERAL
    plain = false
    quote = false
  elsif o =~ /\n(?!\Z)/  # match \n except blank line at the end of string
    style = Nodes::Scalar::LITERAL
  elsif o == '<<'
    style = Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED
    tag   = ',2002:str'
    plain = false
    quote = false
  elsif @line_width && o.length > @line_width
    style = Nodes::Scalar::FOLDED
  elsif o =~ /^[^[:word:]][^"]*$/
    style = Nodes::Scalar::DOUBLE_QUOTED
  elsif not String === @ss.tokenize(o) or /\A0[0-7]*[89]/ =~ o
    style = Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED
  is_primitive = o.class == ::String
  ivars = find_ivars o, is_primitive
  if ivars.empty?
    unless is_primitive
      tag = "!ruby/string:#{o.class}"
      plain = false
      quote = false
    @emitter.scalar o, nil, tag, plain, quote, style
    maptag = '!ruby/string'
    maptag << ":#{o.class}" unless o.class == ::String
    register o, @emitter.start_mapping(nil, maptag, false, Nodes::Mapping::BLOCK)
    @emitter.scalar 'str', nil, nil, true, false, Nodes::Scalar::ANY
    @emitter.scalar o, nil, tag, plain, quote, style
    dump_ivars o