class Racc::LogFileGenerator
def action_out(f, state)
def action_out(f, state) sr = state.srconf && state.srconf.dup rr = state.rrconf && state.rrconf.dup acts = state.action keys = acts.keys keys.sort! {|a,b| a.ident <=> b.ident } [ Shift, Reduce, Error, Accept ].each do |klass| keys.delete_if do |tok| act = acts[tok] if act.kind_of?(klass) outact f, tok, act if sr and c = sr.delete(tok) outsrconf f, c end if rr and c = rr.delete(tok) outrrconf f, c end true else false end end end sr.each {|tok, c| outsrconf f, c } if sr rr.each {|tok, c| outrrconf f, c } if rr act = state.defact if not act.kind_of?(Error) or @debug_flags.any? outact f, '$default', act end f.puts state.goto_table.each do |t, st| if t.nonterminal? f.printf " %-12s go to state %d\n", t.to_s, st.ident end end end