class Rack::Test::Session
which will automatically build a session when it’s first used.
Rack::Test::Session’s methods are most often called through Rack::Test::Methods,
and a default rack environment that is used for future requests.
It keeps track of the cookies for the session, and allows for setting headers
Rack::Test::Session handles a series of requests issued to a Rack app.
def, default_host = DEFAULT_HOST) # :nodoc:
def, default_host = DEFAULT_HOST) # :nodoc: if app.is_a?(self) # Backwards compatibility for initializing with Rack::MockSession app else super end end
def after_request(&block)
def after_request(&block) @after_request << block end
def append_query_params(query_array, query_params)
def append_query_params(query_array, query_params) query_params = parse_nested_query(query_params) if query_params.is_a?(String) query_array << build_nested_query(query_params) end
def basic_authorize(username, password)
included in subsequent requests in the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header.
Set the username and password for HTTP Basic authorization, to be
def basic_authorize(username, password) encoded_login = ["#{username}:#{password}"].pack('m0') header('Authorization', "Basic #{encoded_login}") end
def clear_cookies
def clear_cookies @cookie_jar =[], @default_host) end
def close_body(body)
def close_body(body) body.close if body.respond_to?(:close) end
def close_body(body)
def close_body(body) end
def custom_request(verb, uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block)
params and rack environment. Example:
Issue a request using the given HTTP verb for the given URI, with optional
def custom_request(verb, uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block) uri = parse_uri(uri, env) env = env_for(uri, env.merge(method: verb.to_s.upcase, params: params)) process_request(uri, env, &block) end
def env(name, value)
value. Example:
requests through the session. Use a value of nil to remove a previously
Set an entry in the rack environment to be included on all subsequent
def env(name, value) if value.nil? @env.delete(name) else @env[name] = value end end
def env_for(uri, env)
def env_for(uri, env) env = DEFAULT_ENV.merge(@env).merge!(env) env['HTTP_HOST'] ||= [, (uri.port if uri.port != uri.default_port)].compact.join(':') env['HTTPS'] = 'on' if URI::HTTPS === uri env['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest' if env[:xhr] env['REQUEST_METHOD'] ||= env[:method] ? env[:method].to_s.upcase : 'GET' params = env.delete(:params) query_array = [uri.query] if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' # Treat params as query params if params append_query_params(query_array, params) end elsif !env.key?(:input) env['CONTENT_TYPE'] ||= 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' params ||= {} multipart = env.has_key?(:multipart) ? env.delete(:multipart) : env['CONTENT_TYPE'].start_with?('multipart/') if params.is_a?(Hash) if !params.empty? && data = build_multipart(params, false, multipart) env[:input] = data env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] ||= data.length.to_s env['CONTENT_TYPE'] = "#{multipart_content_type(env)}; boundary=#{MULTIPART_BOUNDARY}" else env[:input] = build_nested_query(params) end else env[:input] = params end end if query_params = env.delete(:query_params) append_query_params(query_array, query_params) end query_array.compact! query_array.reject!(&:empty?) uri.query = query_array.join('&') set_cookie(env.delete(:cookie), uri) if env.key?(:cookie) Rack::MockRequest.env_for(uri.to_s, env) end
def follow_redirect!
on the new request) in the last response. If the last response was not
will follow the redirect returned (including setting the Referer header
Rack::Test will not follow any redirects automatically. This method
def follow_redirect! unless last_response.redirect? raise Error, 'Last response was not a redirect. Cannot follow_redirect!' end if last_response.status == 307 request_method = last_request.request_method params = last_request.params else request_method = 'GET' params = {} end # Compute the next location by appending the location header with the # last request, as per # Adding two absolute locations returns the right-hand location next_location = URI.parse(last_request.url) + URI.parse(last_response['Location']) custom_request( request_method, next_location.to_s, params, 'HTTP_REFERER' => last_request.url, 'rack.session' => last_request.session, 'rack.session.options' => last_request.session_options ) end
def header(name, value)
environment hash in HTTP_USER_AGENT form. Example:
In accordance with the Rack spec, headers will be included in the Rack
session. Use a value of nil to remove a previously configured header.
Set a header to be included on all subsequent requests through the
def header(name, value) name = name.upcase!('-', '_') name = "HTTP_#{name}" unless name == 'CONTENT_TYPE' || name == 'CONTENT_LENGTH' env(name, value) end
def initialize(app, default_host = DEFAULT_HOST)
response in #last_response. #last_response is also returned by the methods.
submitted in #last_request. The methods store a Rack::MockResponse based on the
The above methods as well as #request and #custom_request store the Rack::Request
get("/bar", {'foo'=>'baz'}, 'HTTP_ACCEPT'=>'*')
get("/bar", {}, 'CONTENT_TYPE'=>'foo')
# URI, parameters, and rack environment
post("/foo", 'bar'=>'baz') # POST /foo (bar=baz in request body)
get("/foo", 'bar'=>'baz') # GET /foo?bar=baz
# URI and parameters
get("/?foo=bar") # GET /?foo=bar
get("/") # GET /
# URI only:
method, with the given URI and optional parameters and rack environment.
delete, options, and head. Each method submits a request with the given request
The following methods are defined via metaprogramming: get, post, put, patch,
(See README.rdoc for an example)
Instead, you should include Rack::Test::Methods into your testing context.
Note: Generally, you won't need to initialize a Rack::Test::Session directly.
Creates a Rack::Test::Session for a given Rack app or Rack::Test::BasicSession.
def initialize(app, default_host = DEFAULT_HOST) @env = {} @app = app @after_request = [] @default_host = default_host @last_request = nil @last_response = nil clear_cookies end
def last_request
Return the last request issued in the session. Raises an error if no
def last_request raise Error, 'No request yet. Request a page first.' unless @last_request @last_request end
def last_response
Return the last response received in the session. Raises an error if
def last_response raise Error, 'No response yet. Request a page first.' unless @last_response @last_response end
def multipart_content_type(env)
def multipart_content_type(env) requested_content_type = env['CONTENT_TYPE'] if requested_content_type.start_with?('multipart/') requested_content_type else 'multipart/form-data' end end
def parse_uri(path, env)
def parse_uri(path, env) uri = URI.parse(path) uri.path = "/#{uri.path}" unless uri.path.start_with?('/') ||= @default_host uri.scheme ||= 'https' if env['HTTPS'] == 'on' uri end
def process_request(uri, env)
Submit the request with the given URI and rack environment to
def process_request(uri, env) env['HTTP_COOKIE'] ||= cookie_jar.for(uri) @last_request = status, headers, body = @last_response =, headers, body, env['rack.errors'].flush) close_body(body) cookie_jar.merge(last_response.headers['set-cookie'], uri) @after_request.each(&:call) @last_response.finish yield @last_response if block_given? @last_response end
def request(uri, env = {}, &block)
environment. Example:
Issue a request to the Rack app for the given URI and optional Rack
def request(uri, env = {}, &block) uri = parse_uri(uri, env) env = env_for(uri, env) process_request(uri, env, &block) end
def restore_state
cookie jar to the state they were prior to block execution upon
Yield to the block, and restore the last request, last response, and
def restore_state request = @last_request response = @last_response cookie_jar = @cookie_jar.dup after_request = @after_request.dup begin yield ensure @last_request = request @last_response = response @cookie_jar = cookie_jar @after_request = after_request end end
def set_cookie(cookie, uri = nil)
def set_cookie(cookie, uri = nil) cookie_jar.merge(cookie, uri) end