class Rack::Response
def initialize(body = nil, status = 200, headers = {})
the Rack specification for response headers. The key must be a +String+
The +headers+ must be a +Hash+ of key-value header pairs which conform to
can provide any other valid status code.
The +status+ defaults to +200+ which is the "OK" HTTP status code. You
body) or +call+ (streaming body).
Rack response body, typically implementing one of +each+ (enumerable
Otherwise it is expected +body+ conforms to the normal requirements of a
initial contents of the buffer.
construct a buffered response object containing using that string as the
If the +body+ responds to +to_str+, assume it's a string-like object and
If the +body+ is +nil+, construct an empty response object with internal
and +headers+.
Initialize the response object with the specified +body+, +status+
def initialize(body = nil, status = 200, headers = {}) @status = status.to_i unless headers.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, "Headers must be a Hash!" end @headers = # Convert headers input to a plain hash with lowercase keys. headers.each do |k, v| @headers[k] = v end @writer = self.method(:append) @block = nil # Keep track of whether we have expanded the user supplied body. if body.nil? @body = [] @buffered = true # Body is unspecified - it may be a buffered response, or it may be a HEAD response. @length = nil elsif body.respond_to?(:to_str) @body = [body] @buffered = true @length = body.to_str.bytesize else @body = body @buffered = nil # undetermined as of yet. @length = nil end yield self if block_given? end